Monday, September 26, 2011

myplasticheart x Shawnimals NYCC Exclusive

Pork is the perfect food. Everybody knows it and those that don't should not kid themselves. But even pork can go bad, so I don't recommend leaving it out in the sun, or not cooking it all the way. Thankfully as a public service, myplasticheart and Shawnimals have come together to show us just what happens when pork takes the wrong path. Shawnimals will be selling the orange "Crime Scene" dumpling at his booth and myplasticheart will be selling the black "Guilty as Charged" edition at theirs. Both are limited to only 50 hand painted pieces and will retail for $12 each. And don't be a jerk and just buy one or the other leaving some poor lonely soul with a murderous pork dumpling with no victim or vice versa. Get them both and play CSI with you favorite vinyl food.

Slooooow Monday

Very slow Monday as far as toy news is concerned and I'm feeling pretty lazy anyway, so maybe I'll just spend the day playing Gears of War 3.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Kidrobot 'Bots Mini Series

Kidrobot will be releasing mini figures of it's iconic logo on October 6th. They will be blind boxed and sell for $9.95 each. These really aren't doing it for me, as I would have much rather seen them do smaller versions of the mascot that various artists have produced over the years. They could have been different color ways from their bigger versions and might have added a bit more excitement than just "hey, I'm a guy that plays basketball." I can't complain to much though, because they have had a pretty amazing year of releases. And it is probably a good thing that I don't covet everything that they make, being as how the electric company won't take my doubles in exchange for their service.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Jon Paul Kaiser x Toy2r NYCC Exclusive

Breaking news: the world is officially out of plastic because Jon Paul Kaiser has managed to use every bit of it. Not that I'm complaining mind you, cause I love what he does, but this man is a machine. I think this is how his days are: "Well, nothing on tv, let's release a new toy." He is a toy blogger's dream come true because I never lack for things to write about.
Ok, now onto actual business: JPK and Toy2r are planning to release this special "Pieces of Eight" edition of Captain Sturnbrau at New York Comic Con. He's all black with silver spray and will be uber limited. You can find the Cap'n at the Toy2r/Tenacious Toys booth and the man behind the madness himself will be there to sign all of his new toys on Saturday. I hope they have an ice bag ready for Jon's hand, cause he's gonna be a busy fellow.

myplasticheart NYCC Exclusives

myplasticheart is bringing a truckload of cool stuff to New York Comic Con and these are the first of their exclusive figures to be announced thus far. Matt Siren's Ghost Girl returns in her latest, and last, incarnation. This glow in the dark take on the classic Pac-Man bad guys will be $60 each and Matt himself will be there to sign them on Saturday.
Next up we have Kazuhiro Koguma by kaNO. This little guy will run you $18 and kaNO will also be on hand at some point to scribble his name all over it for you.
Finally, we have a pre-release for Steve Talkowski's Sketchbot Variant 5. Steve will be at the con and will make his way to the myplasticheart booth at some point to meet the fans and sign his toy. These will be $35, which is a pretty good price considering how big they are.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Kidrobot at New York Comic Con

For the second year in a row Kidrobot will be gracing the floor of New York Comic Con with it's vinyl presence and will be bringing along a few exclusives. There will be glow in the dark versions of the Street Fighter Blanka figure as well as of the South Park Dead Kenney. What has me intrigued and ready to whip out my credit card is the Yankee Pig Dog 7-inch Labbit Biological Warfare Edition by Kronk. The last time they did a special Labbit release was when Amanda Visell added her style to the Kozik icon and both of them were there to sign them when it was released. Could we see a Kozik/Kronk tag team signing event? I just pooped a little thinking about it.

Buff Monster's The Destroyer Eyes Edition

Buff Monster and The Loyal Subjects are about to unleash the "Eyes" version of his popular Destroyer figure this Friday, September 23rd. This think is 14" of pink plastic epicness that deserves a place of honor amongst your toy collection (and mine too, so if you're feeling generous, I am not above accepting donations). There are only 200 of them in the whole wide world and they will be $110. Order yours (and mine?) by clicking here.