Friday, May 9, 2014

She Predator Premium Format Figure from Sideshow Collectibles

    I can honestly say I had no idea anything like this was going on in the Predator universe.  I mean, I guess baby Predators had to come from somewhere.  I still have no idea how this semi-naked huntress figures into things, but I'm not mad about it.  The entirety of the internet is based on the two C's:  cats and cleavage, and while I don't notice and feline critters roaming around, this figure has an ample amount of the latter.  I can here the collective rejoicing of fan boys everywhere as they realize they can preorder this premium format figure from Sideshow Collectibles on May 15th.  If you're going to be hunted and killed as a trophy, it would be much better to have her do it than one of her gross faced counterparts.  At least you can die with a smile on your face.  

Spring Ver. 1 Ammonaito from Mechavirus Available Now!!!!

    Did you see that new video of those dudes in a rubber boat trying to film a great white shark when the thing decides to EAT THEIR BOAT?  Further, documented proof, that the sea is trying to kill us.  We've been placated by the ocean's propaganda films (like Finding Nemo and The Little Mermaid) to believe that everything is all singing and dancing down there.  But I know the truth.  I know that we are nothing but tasty morsels just out of their reach.

    Look at these guys.  I'm not sure whether they want to be friends our want to make houses out of our skulls.  They are nice to look at though, and thankfully made of plastic unlike their more murderous underwater kin folk.  You can add one of these Ammonaito figures from Mechavirus to your collection this very instant.  No, seriously, they just went on sale and I was refreshing the website to make sure they didn't sell out before I finished this post. Go now to before they sell out.  

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Amanda Louise Spayd's Secret Society Sale

     My house is filled with dust bunnies.  Not like, filled to the point where I'm wading knee deep in them to try and reach other rooms, but enough that if a light breeze were to come by a few fairly large specimens would most likely skitter across the floor.  Our five cats seem to shed like there were Olympic medals and the glory of their country at stake.  And there will be times that you miss vacuuming under something and all the dust bunnies will congregate under there until they form something that resembles a witch's Halloween wig.  On those days of discovery a few episodes of Hoarders always makes me feel better about my house keeping abilities.  

    Not all dust bunnies are a source of shame though.  Amanda Louise Spayd has been making them for years and people go nuts to own them.  I really like the little resin versions, called Pipsqueaks, the best and a bunch of them will be going on sale tomorrow along with more of her original work.   Visit her site at for more information including pictures, prices, and on sale times.  

Terror Boys Ooze No. 13 from Brandt Peters and Ferg

    Well, if your kids are looking at this they will most likely never be able to sleep again, so say hello to the rest of your life taking them back and forth to therapy.  He's not too terrifying really, until he puts that sack over his head and his eyes become vacant holes.  That is the stuff of nightmares.  

    That being said, this is by far my favorite version in the Terror Boys Ooze line from Brandt Peters and Ferg.  You can't go wrong with a Freddy sweater, a burlap sack, and a few sharp objects meant for dicing up misbehaving teenagers.  I don't have any idea how much one of these will cost, but I do know that they go on sale this Monday, May 12, at noon Central time through  

Fun With Google Searches


     You know I sometimes like to look at the strange searches that lead people to this website.  Today I have a few gems.  The first search phrase was "crickets chirping cartoon."  I have no idea what that has to do with me, but I hope you enjoyed your visit.  My favorite one though, is "Alex is weird".  I couldn't begin to imagine what that person hoped to accomplish by searching that.  Maybe they just wanted to be sure that their feelings about Alex's weirdness were valid.  Maybe they were on some sort of mind altering substance.  We may never know.  

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Limited Amount of 3A Mighty Squares to Be Offered at Bambaland Store

    This is one of those times that searching Google for a time zone converter comes in really handy.  A limited amount of Mighty Squares from 3A are going on sale May 8th at 9am Hong Kong time.  That translates to 9pm on May 7th (or tonight if you prefer) Eastern time.  Oh, look at that, I already did all the hard work for you.  Unless you don't live in either time zone, in which case you have to do the hard work.  Sorry about that.  Kiss your credit cards for good luck and pray to the toy goods to smile upon you.  

Cashmere Blue Porcelain Skull from NooN x K. Olin Tribu

    I don't know if they still make these or not, but remember those popsicles that told half of a joke on the handle and you didn't get the punch line that was hiding underneath until you finished eating it?  I wish that's how our skulls worked.  That after you were dead it would reveal some amazing design on your cranium.  It would certainly make the medical examiner's job more fun:

    "Upon exposing the skull, the deceased had a picture of the Tasmanian Devil holding a Confederate flag with the words Git Er Done written below it."

    I have simple dreams that will never come true, cause you can't get a Kickstarter going to make that happen.  What you can do is pick up one of these porcelain skulls from NooN x K. Olin Tribu.  It's much less messy than going out and harvesting your own skulls, plus the result is much nicer looking.  This Cashmere Blue edition goes up for preorder today at 6pm French time, which equals to 2pm in New York and 9am in Los Angeles.  They are limited to only 50 pieces and can be found at