Monday, June 10, 2013

Six Eyed Ghouls and Doku Head DX from Blobpus x Mutant Vinyl Hardcore

    Normally these guys are almost impossible to get.  You'd have to enter your name in a lottery and hope you win the chance to purchase one.  But today is your lucky day because you can be the proud owner of one of these Mutant Vinyl Hardcore figures custom painted by Blobpus without the fuss of a random drawing.  Imagine how impressed your friends will be that you were able to get one.  Unless your friends are like mine and can't wrap their heads around why I would spend all of my money on toys in the first place, in which case you will just have to impress yourself.  Blobpus has opened the ordering window for these two guys until June 14th.  That is unless he gets way too many orders and has to pull the plug early.  But so far they are still available at his website

Friday, June 7, 2013

SDCC Exclusive Video Game Jason Voorhees from NECA

    I was so jealous when my neighbor got the Friday the 13th video game for the original Nintendo.  He was a smug little punk, but i wanted to play it so bad because I loved the movies as a kid, so I graciously invited myself over to play it.  My jealousy quickly turned to embarrassment for him, because that gamed sucked so bad.  No matter where you went or what you did, Jason was bound to kill you.  So in a lot of ways it stayed true to the films, but it was frustrating beyond belief.  You enter a cabin: JASON.  You walk along the lake: JASON.  And why was he purple?  Was he going through a weird phase like those little kids you see at the mall wearing a Spider Man costume?  

    This figure from NECA has to be the only good thing that has ever resulted from this horrible game's existence.  This purple, glow in the dark Jason is an exclusive to San Diego Comic Con and without a doubt the highlight of the show.  They even packaged it in a replica of the original game box, complete with some of the awful graphics.  It's so campy that it is a definite win on every front.  Buy one for yourself at booth # 3145 or beg anyone you know that's going to get you one.  

Semi Korosiya Black from Cop A Squat Toys

    I have a love/hate relationship with unpainted toys.  The purist in me wants to keep them as they were intended, just plain with no color other than that of the plastic.  Another part of me wants to take them into my basement, fire up the old airbrush, and assault them with crazy colors.  That part of me is also scared to death that he's going to ruin an expensive toy and be really pissed about it.

    So I normally avoid the conflict in my brain by not buying blank figures.  Then something like this pops up and I forget what little sense of reason I've had bestowed upon me.  Cop A Squat Toys is releasing this all black Semi Korosiya today (June 7th) at 3pm Eastern time.  This sucker is 8 inches tall and looks like he just dropped from the sky ready to enslave mankind.  $65 will get you one from

Maple Man Mini Marshall from 64 Colors x Squibbles Ink x Rotofugi

    When my wife and I went to Montreal a few years back one of the places we wanted to hit up was Tim Hortons.  Ok, maybe that's a little lame, but we're huge hockey fans and we don't have them where we live so it was kinda exciting for us.  The first (and last) donuts we tried were these maple iced donuts.  Holy mother of God those were the most amazing donuts we've ever eaten in our lives!  We ate them every morning for breakfast and would get one every time we passed a Tim Hortons, which is like passing a hooker in Atlantic City at 3am.  We counted up the empty boxes and bags at the end of our stay, and we determined that we each ate a dozen of them in a week.  The whole time it was a blur of maple flavored goodness and I am just thankful that we are not diabetic as a result.

    So to wrap this up, I have a special love for all things maple, that's why this new Mini Marshall from 64 Colors x Squibbles Ink x Rotofugi really speaks to me.  They made 200 of these guys to coincide with the opening of their Maple City art show tonight in Chicago and attendees will have the first crack at these figures.  Any left overs will then be put up on this Monday, June 10th.  Each one was hand printed and distressed and will sell for $14.95.  That would buy quite a few donuts.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Two More Summer Exclusives from Mezco

    You know what drives me insane?  Well, a lot of things do, but this time of year what really makes me want to jump off the roof (and I'm scared of heights, so this is a big deal)?  All the cool stuff that releases at San Diego Comic Con that I can't buy.  I mean, I could buy it, because people usually post things on eBay while they're still waiting in line for them.  But I'm not a rich man.  I can't pay those kind of prices.  So I just stay mad for a few months, try to wait for the hype to die down, and then still pay way to much for them.  Mezco knows how it is.  Sure, if you're going to SDCC you could buy these figures, but if you're not then just preorder these suckers right now and have em delivered to you like a pizza.  Brilliant!
    You could get this Walter White figure from Breaking Bad right this instant.  He's sporting a pretty nifty hazmat suit and comes with some essential meth making accessories.  Just remember kids, even the best hazmat suit won't save you when your trailer park lab blows sky high, so be careful with those chemicals.  Nothing cramps a thriving drug business like your production facility burning up with the fire of Hades.  

    Or you could order this Cheetarah and Snarf 2 pack from the Thundercats.  It is a well established fact that no one in the cartoon world wears a leotard the way Cheetarah does.  That kinda sounded creepy now that I'm thinking about it.  Such is life.  

    Both of these are available for preorder right now at

A Clockwork Carrot Signing with Frank Kozik at Toy Art Gallery

    Frank Kozik is going to be at Toy Art Gallery in Los Angeles this Saturday night to sign his A Clockwork Carrot figures.  He's also going to be releasing the new, all white, "Pure Evil" version of this massive figure that is a shared exclusive between TAG and Blackbook Toy.  That's it.  That's literally all I have.  I tried to think of something funny or clever to say but for some reason my brain isn't functioning at full capacity today.  I wanted to concoct a way to have everyone that attends bring him fried pies like Hostess used to make because I remember him posting on Facebook that he liked them and it would be funny if every picture of the event involved a huge pile of snack food that he was brought as some quasi-offering.  Like, if he was the toughest guy on your cell block and the only way he would protect your hind parts from the leering eye of Bubba was if once a week you cleaned the commissary out of their fried fruit pies.  I know I have a lot of readers in the greater Los Angeles area, so buy the man some pies and then buy yourself a toy and have him scrawl his name somewhere on it.  You'll be a better person for it.  

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Sideways from Yoskay Yamamoto x Mighty Jaxx

    I'm no stranger to having a large melon.  Not that it's ever prevented me from wearing hats or fitting through door ways, but I have a lot of skull.  Nowhere near this guy I used to know though, as his head was the biggest I've ever seen.  And he wasn't that smart either, so he wasn't storing a wealth of knowledge in that thing.  I think he may have been renting it out to a family of squirrels.  But even he could stand upright.  

    Not so much with this guy from Yoskay Yamamoto x Mighty Jaxx.  His head is so massive that he is powerless to lift it from the floor.  Only 200 of these were made comprised of a wood head and a resin body.  They will be available for preorder this Thursday, June 6th, from

    On a side note, I really enjoy the way Mighty Jaxx mixes up their releases.  You never know what to expect from them and they are really the only toy company I can think of that is completely unpredictable.  Kudos to them for making what they love and not catering to what they think people want to see.