Friday, May 31, 2013

Aloha Diggler from Splurrt x D-Lux

    Check out this bro in his bright summer colors.  And he glows in the dark like a kid from Chernobyl?  Sold.  I love the toys Splurrt makes, and while I wouldn't normally be into these bright colors, they really do work for this figure.  D-Lux did the custom paint on these and you can pick one up from jis webstore tomorrow (June 1) at 3pm Eastern time.  You better bookmark if you hope to score one.  These guys will sell quickly and if you don't get one you will be thrown into a deep depression made all the darker because you don't have this toy to glow like a beacon of hope.  This is how you die.

Weirdos In Space: Wave 1 featuring Rampage Toys and Blurble

    Does a title ever get more descriptive?  There is no ambiguity about what you're going to get here.  You're going to get some freaky looking dudes that some how found their way into the final frontier.  It's a drastic difference from when you buy one of those tv dinners and it looks so delicious on the box, yet when you heat it up in looks like a possum got sick on a plate.  Disappointment and diarrhea every time.  

    These space travelers are the work of Rampage Toys and Blurble, while their alien craft was made by Tru:Tek.  Ten of each design were made in random colors and they will be $24 each.  You can pick one up when they go on sale today (May 31) at 9pm London time at

Rock 'n' Roll Uamou at Toy Art Gallery

    I would gladly trade all of the casinos near my house for a ton of folks that were into toys and a place like Toy Art Gallery to put them on display.  You can have all the elderly women in their sequined sweaters that guard rows of slot machines like a pit bull in a junk yard while they chain smoke and gamble away inheritances.  You can have the barrage of prostitutes and drug dealers that peddle their wares with a tenacity of a used car salesman.  You can't have the Ripleys Believe It or Not Museum though, that place is worth keeping.  But you can take the bootleg t-shirt shops and the guys whose hair gel weighs more than all of the books in their house.  Let me know when you're ready to deal.

    I am envious of anyone who is lucky enough to live near Toy Art Gallery, and I remind you of that every time I write about them.  Tomorrow they will be opening their new show, Rock 'n" Roll Uamou with special guests RealxHead and Skull Toys.  I love those Nirvana inspired toys pictured below featuring a body clad in the best thrift store fashion and a face with that iconic smiley face logo.  I really started to get into music in the '90's, so the grunge era will always hold a special place in my heart.  They always post the remaining pieces from their shows in the days following the opening, so maybe I'll get a chance to snag one.  Keep the dream of the '90's alive!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Terror Boys Ooze from Brandt Peters x Ferg

    This is the guy that will show up when you try and park your 1970's van at an abandoned camp ground to get fresh with your girlfriend.  I'm just trying to save lives here people, because no one ever learns anything from all of the horror movies out there.  At best anyone wearing a bag over their head might just have one of those weird tumors with a tooth growing out of it and a lack of health insurance to get it dealt with.  Add in the machete and sawed off shotgun, and you know they aren't from AAA looking to help you fix a flat tire.  

    It's not ever day that I'm really impressed by a toy, but this one has managed to leave me in awe.  I love everything about it, but especially his melty face and droopy eye.  It's grotesque while still retaining a sense of innocence about it, like you could almost feel sorry for the guy and the obvious problems he's had with women.  I mean, he is running out of space in his freezer for them, which is a huge problem because he can't just go to Sears and buy another one and I've never heard of a killer with good credit, so even ordering one from the internet is out of the question.  

    You can purchase on of these dudes that Brandt Peters and Ferg made this Monday, June 3rd, at noon Central time for $105 (and that includes shipping anywhere in the world).  Only 225 were made and you can get one at

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

New Walking Dead Pop! Vinyl from Funko

    I'm about to admit something that will probably make a lot of you mad and may even get me deported.  I don't like The Walking Dead.  There,  I've said it to all 6 of you.  The benefit of admitting such a thing on the internet is that I can go about the rest of my day without having to be looked at as if I just admitted to kicking a puppy.  I also don't have to answer questions like "but what's wrong with you?" or "do you have a vitamin deficiency?"   Here are my problems with the show.  For one, I could care less about zombies.  You want to know when the zombie apocalypse is coming?  If you've ever seen anyone who thinks they have "swag" or have ever used the term "yolo" while clearly not being ironic, then you would know it's already here.  And the second reason I don't like it is because everybody is essentially the exact same person.  What makes a scenario like this interesting is the diversity of the characters.  The people of their group come from all walks of life, but over time they have all morphed into people who are just trying to survive and have lost a lot of what makes them unique.  It was far more interesting when they would have moral issues with killing the zombies, or when they would still question what was going on in the first place.  Now its just accepted as normality.

    The lone bright spot of The Walking Dead for me are the product tie ins.  They're are some clever ones out there, but I think the Pop! Vinyl toys from Funko are the best.  Why?  Because you could make anything as a Pop! Vinyl figure and it automatically becomes cool.  They could make a Charles Manson one and it would be adorable.   Even if it's something I'm not into, I come close to buying one of these whenever I see them.  These will be released July 11th.  And I still love you even if you like The Walking Dead.  But just as friends though.  Stop trying to kiss me.  

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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

GI Joe Custom Show from The Loyal Subjects x Tenacious Toys x Suburban Vinyl

    We all know the GI Joe movies were garbage.  It's not debatable, as the top scientists across the globe have confirmed it to be true.  Delaying the second one a year to redo it didn't even help.  The Loyal Subjects helped remove some of the tarnish by releasing a cool blind boxed series of vinyl figures that people went nuts over, and now you can see those reinterpreted by some of the best toy customizers out there.  Tenacious Toys teamed up with Suburban Vinyl to put together this custom show that will be happening this Friday, May 31st.  All the details you need are in the pictures, so you have no excuse not to go.  Unless you live, like, really far away or have surgery scheduled for that time.  Then its ok.  

Dunny 2013 Series from Kidrobot

    As you all know, blind boxes drive me insane and for the most part I have sworn against buying them.  Except for Dunnys.  I don't know exactly what it is, but I never get tired of these little dudes from Kidrobot.  And I get especially excited when they do their yearly series and the wife and I get to spend a few hours at a trading party, sitting on the floor and opening up toys with other people just as addicted to these things as we are.  If you've never been to one they're kinda like if AA meetings served beer.  These suckers will be coming out June 14th and all of your favorite stores will be having get togethers to celebrate.  I'll be spending my 401k at Jinxed in Philadelphia.