Showing posts with label New York Comic Con. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New York Comic Con. Show all posts

Monday, October 13, 2014

My Post NYCC Recap/Recovery

    The end of New York Comic Con is always bittersweet.  I'm always happy to have attended, but after a few days of fighting through crowds and surviving on convention food, I am pretty exhausted.  And even though I feel I could sleep for a few days straight, I'm kinda ready to do it all over again.  

     This year we weren't able to secure press passes like we had in years before, but I was lucky enough to have the day off from work when tickets went on sale.  Whatever you have to pay to get in it's always worth it, even if you spend your time sitting and watching the people that are there.  The costumes were pretty wild this year, and a lot of people really transformed themselves into their own walking attractions.  I was never a big fan of the cosplay thing before, but I've grown to appreciate it and even look forward to seeing what they will come up with.  It definitely adds something to the experience.  

    We did something a little different at this year's convention in that we collected autographs for the first time in I don't remember how long.  We had the chance to meet Hulk Hogan (which was mind blowing) Jimmy Hart, Mick Foley, and Sgt. Slaughter.  Yeah, we kind of had a theme going.  Sharon and I have been watching a lot of wrestling documentaries recently, so we were pretty excited to track these guys down.  

    Of course we bought a bunch of toys and tried to stop and say hi to everyone we knew and meet everyone else that we didn't.  It's hard to really stop for any period of time because the place is beyond busy and there is a literal current of human bodies that dictate where you can go.  Add to the fact that you want to see and do as much as possible in a very small window of time and it can get a bit hectic.  But I had some very interesting conversations that have opened some very interesting possibilities for the future.   
    I know this is kind of reading like a "what I did on my Summer vacation" essay, but it's hard to capture the experience for people that haven't been.  In a similar fashion I was trying to put into words for my wife what it meant for me to meet Hulk Hogan.  My grandfather passed away this time last year and watching wrestling together was something we did for my entire childhood.  And to shake the man's hand who was really responsible for it existing on the level it does, not to mention someone that has always been bigger than life, just left me without the ability to properly convey my feelings.  I don't get star struck very often, but I was beyond that the moment he said "what's up, big man" as I approached his table.  I hope I didn't look too ridiculous.  

    I'll be posting pictures up all this week and will have some small recaps of the stuff I saw.  A few pictures are up now on our Instagram account (TheToyViking) and all of them will be posted to our Facebook page as soon as I'm able to do so.  

Thursday, October 9, 2014

More NYCC Exclusives from Clutter Magazine

    New York Comic Con just opened it's doors, and while I won't be there until tomorrow, there is plenty to see and do right this instant.  Clutter Magazine sent me an email filled with all kinds of nutty stuff you're gonna want so let's get to it shall we.

   Fact:  Bears have skulls the same shape as human beings do.  It's on the internet, so it must be true.  Luke Chueh only made 15 of these Dissected Bear Heads in Kenner prototype blue, with 5 being released each day via an 11am lottery system.  The lottery last 15 minutes, after which time the winners will be announced and then they get to buy this dude.  No lottery today, only on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, so you have time to plan accordingly.  

    Tim Clarke is a legend.  The day he followed me on Instagram I almost pooped my britches.  This dude not only created Boglins and Sectaurs, but he worked on The Dark Crystal with Jim Henson.  We're talking about things that defined people's childhoods.  He's got a new toy series out called Totims and he will have a bunch of those and those prints you see above.  He'll be hanging around Saturday starting at noon and if you're gonna shake anyone's hand during the show, his would be a good one.  Maybe some of the magic will rub off.  

    Ron English is obviously not as big a fan of breakfast cereal as I am.  And I love Cap'n Crunch, even though it shreds the rook of your mouth like you were chewing razor blades.  This is the latest edition of his obese faux pirate, and it will be released Saturday at 1pm and Ron will be there to sign em and tell you the dangers of high fructose corn syrup.  

    I've been in a few fights in my day.  Most of those involved dust ups in my high school cafeteria and certainly never with anyone that looked like this.  Who would fight this guy?  I don't care how bad you think you are, when you see a guy dressed like this and with such an unpleasant look on his face, you need to move along.  Restore made this glow in the dark Neo Japan in such uber limited quantities (10) that he will be sold through a lottery system on Saturday at 2pm with the drawing taking place 15 minutes later.  

    Saturday is gonna be busy for whoever is manning booth # 504, cause at 3pm Jon-Paul Kaiser and UME Toys will be present to release their Buford Mandrake figure.  He comes with two masks, though which one is more disturbing is open to debate.  Meet those fine English gents and pick up this collaboration piece that is sure to be a hit, cause I said so.

    Ok, this is pretty killer.  We've never seen Jeff Lamm's Greasebat figure  Lana Crooks hand made five of these stunning plush toys and I hope there is one left just so I can see it in person.  

    The Flyers lost last night and I'm kinda bummed about that, but they did play pretty well.  And I love the orange and black no matter what and this lizard bro makes me thankful that there's another game tonight with which they can redeem themselves.  Chris Ryniak's Snybora has long been a favorite of mine and this paint job from Squibbles Ink and Kirby Kerr makes it even closer to my heart.  Only 25 folks can own one though, so you better be quick if you wanna play with him on the ride home.  

    Visit the Clutter folks at booth #504 for all that you see and more.  That kinda sounded like something a game show announcer would say.  I need some sleep.  

NYCC Exclusive "Blown Away" Dunny Series from Josh Mayhem

    One thing I like to do when I see custom toys that impress me is to try and figure out how they did it.  Not that I'm gonna go out and try to replicate the technique, but I have a healthy fascination with how things are created.  Luckily I didn't have to torment myself too much with these because their creator, Josh Mayhem, was very forthcoming about his methods, but that doesn't make the end results any less impressive.  This "Blown Away" series contains 6 Dunnys that look like they were caught in a wind storm before their paint was allowed to dry.  These were created as New York Comic Con exclusives for Clutter Magazine's booth # 504 beginning at noon today.  The little guy in the front is the chase version, but no matter which one you get it's gonna look impressive in your collection.   

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

NYCC Exclusive Blind Bagged Resin Micro MadL's from Mad

    I am loving these Micro MadL's.  The mix of colors reminds me of when Sharon and I visited the Smithsonian Natural History Museum in Washington back in June.  She developed a healthy amount of knowledge on gems and minerals due to her employment at the time and we spent hours trying to photograph everything on display.  These look like they were carved from pieces of the exhibit.  Of course, they are only resin, but the effect's Mad was able to achieve, coupled with the flat nature of the figure, make for a truly unique piece of plastic art.  The only way to get one of these is to track down Mad during New York Comic Con this weekend and hand him $20.  Which one you get will be a surprise, but I don't see how owning any one of them could be disappointing.  Might not be a bad idea to try and hunt him down as soon as you can, as there's no word on just how many he'll have with him.  

NYCC Exclusive Shub Zeroth "Evangelioth" from Metacrypt x Lulubell Toys

     Oh, dear God what have our horrid thoughts brought forth?  What have our wicked ways forced from beneath the Earth's crust, bringing with it our end?  And where, oh where I say, have I left my pants?  Seriously, I need to go buy cat food and nobody is trying to see my milky thighs.  

     Shub Zeroth! Shub Zeroth!  That's my impression of wicked villagers chanting the name of this unholy beast.  Villagers, that if the law were fair, we would have burned as witches and avoided this whole "giant blood thirsty goat demon problem" we now have.  Just kidding, I love Shub Zeroth and Metacrypt will be releasing this newest version at New York Comic Con through Lulubell Toy's booth # 408.  Christmas is coming, and your favorite toy blogger (me, obviously) accepts his gifts year round.  I'll give you one of my new stickers.  Fine, you can have two. 

NYCC Exclusive Pop! Vinyl from Funko x Fugitive Toys

    I have a bit of a problem in the fact that even when I narrow my collecting scope, I still want everything that's ever made that I can get my hands on that falls within my restrictions.  In the world of Pop! Vinyl I like a lot of them, but my main focus is Batman.  Seems reasonable right?  Until you learn that there are like 1,000 different iterations of Batman.  And who has to have every single one of them? This guy.  Thus far I have 11 of them, which isn't bad being that some of them are pretty hard to find exclusives.  But it is kinda fun tracking them all down, and I almost enjoy that part of it more than even owning the figures.  

    I have a lot of other Pop! Vinyls from Funko, including a few from the Thor movies, which makes these two versions of Frost Giant Loki pretty tempting.  Both of them as well as the Wonder Woman figures are Fugitive Toys exclusives for this weekend's New York Comic Con.  If you want any of them I would make a bee line to booth # 410 cause there's always a lot of interest in any Funko exclusives.  

NYCC Exclusive "Inner Beast" from Scott Wilkowski x Monster Worship x Lulubell Toys

   I can feel my wallet getting thinner every time I do a post about New York Comic Con.  The fact that I just bought a car, or just paid my mortgage is weighing heavily on my brain, so much so that I think my eyes might be bulging out a little.  But there's so much goodness to be had, that I can then bring home and take pictures of and put in my display cases and drool on every once in a while.   Why must I be tormented so?  Why couldn't I just start a website about professional wrestling, or flea markets or abandoned places in New Jersey or anything else that doesn't make me want everything I see?

   Look at how amazing Monster Worship's Alter Beast figure looks with one of Scott Wilkowski's sweet skeletal forms stuffed inside?  It's a thing of beauty and will be on sale from the folks at Lulubell Toys at booth #408 on a first come, first served basis.  

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

NYCC Exclusives from Rampage Toys

    The last time I was promised "oodles of fun" I ended up in the emergency room as they scraped broken glass out of my foot.  I was five years old and the shards had formerly been a limited edition Muppets cup glass with Kool-Aid.  And it was the Animal one, which was my favorite.  So excuse me if I'm skeptical, but that was a traumatizing event for wee little Chris.  A few years have passed and I'm working on building my trust again with "oodles of fun" when I see this flier from Rampage Toys.  Just look at all the neat stuff he's bringing to New York Comic Con.  I pretty much like all of these toys, so everything is good there.  And he's painted them up all nice and pretty, which can't be a bad thing at all.      On top of that he'll also have a ton of his own stuff, which is good.  I'm beginning to think this whole "oodles of fun" thing could work out.  BUT GOD HELP NEW YORK IF IT DOESN'T CAUSE I'M GONNA BE PISSED.    Visit Rampage at booth # 208, part of the Tenacious Toys collective and for a full list of all the stuff he'll have available check out  

NYCC Exclusive Bone Usir DX from Splurrt x Mutant Vinyl Hardcore

    If I owned this toy I would sleep with it every night.  I don't mean in the sicko way ya perv (maybe though) but in the innocent way a child cuddles his favorite toy.  It's not only cause I would love it so much, but it's to keep other people from trying to touch it.  My life is like those commercials for the Dodge Dart, where the neighbor is always trying to come over and touch the other dude's car but he's all like "no bro, keep your filthy mits to yourself."  Why is everyone's first inclination when they see something they like to pick it up?   I'd probably be bad at owning a store, cause I'd put everything under glass.  You want to touch something?  You can touch it all you want after you pay for it and take it home.  Until then it belongs to me.

    The chances of me scoring one of these sick Bone Usirs from Splurrt and Mutant Vinyl Hardcore is pretty slim.  For one, they only made 7 of them, and for two, I'm not the best at parting with my money.  It takes me some convincing (mostly in my own head) that my house won't get foreclosed on if I splurge a little, and by then they will all be sold.  So what I'm gonna do is start convincing myself now in the days leading up to New York Comic Con and by the time they go on sale this Friday at 2pm at the Monster Island booth, I should be ready to pull the financial trigger.  Plus it helps when you're in a crowd of people and you wanna join in on all the excitement.  I imagine that's how most people die from drinking too much, actually.  Peer pressure will help me bring this sucker home!

Monday, October 6, 2014

Plaseebo Is Sending Some Craziness to NYCC

    Look at this group of characters.  These guys are the stuff of nightmares.  They look like the computer generated critters on that show Monsters Inside Me, where they tell stories about people that have been infected with parasites.  Sometimes they'll have actual footage of a doctor's scope traveling through someone's body and they'll come around a bend and BAM there's some worm eating all the soft tissue it can get it's little mouth on.  I half expect them to come across something Plaseebo makes and upon seeing the camera it smiles and flips you the bird.  

   His delightfully mutated creations will be available at two different booths during New York Comic Con.  The dude on the far right a collaboration with Rampage Toys and Skull Head Butt) will be available from Rampage Toys at booth # 208, while everything else will be making available through the Kaiju Monster booth # 406.  

NYCC Exclusives from Tenacious Toys

    After waiting an entire year the time has finally come for New York Comic Con.  Some times, finding out about exclusives can be a difficult task.  You may get a teaser image, or you may notice a posting about em on Twitter as you're on the train in route to the convention and it turns out it's something you really want but you weren't able to budget accordingly or plan your booth visits right so you just get frustrated and you kick the seat in front of you and it turns out the guy in that seat was just paroled and the spider web tattoo on his face makes you think he may not be understanding of your situation and you end up spending the whole convention getting reconstructive dental work.  

   Tenacious Toys wants to see your smiling face with all of it's teeth at their giant collective booth, so they've made these handy little pictures with everything you need to know about their exclusives.  You have pricing info and the amount of them that were made right there so you can plan accordingly and not miss out on something you really want.  Take a peak below of everything they've announced so far:

Thursday, October 2, 2014

NYCC Exclusive Eti the Space Nurse from Peter Kato x Cubo NY

    Why is it that whenever you hear people talk about being abducted by aliens all they can focus on is the fact they got probed.  It doesn't seem to be that big of a deal that a species from somewhere in the galaxy travelled all the way to Earth, thought they'd be cool to snatch, and then kidnaps them for an undisclosed period of time.  It's the fact that they were violated in the name of alien science.  It seems weird to me, that if a race of beings is so far advanced that they can create these super fast space ships to visit strange planets that the only thing they'd be concerned with is the inner workings of our butts.  What I think happens in a lot of these abductions is that the people were probably really drunk and hanging around these back country roads (where all of these abductions take place) and some hillbilly picked them up and played doctor with them in his conversion van.  The SyFy channel should be calling me any minute.

    This is how I prefer to think of aliens, as these super chill critters who are just looking to help.  Peter Kato has gone so far as to suggest that many are employed in the health care field and traveling all over the galaxy curing rare diseases.  Take Eti here, a nurse with a heart of gold that makes house calls you may not even know you need.  This figure is a collaboration between Peter and Cubo NY, who is a toyshop/3d printing service.  She's limited to only 20 pieces, will sell for $60 each, and is a New York Comic Con exclusive for Cubo NY's booth # 501.  And she comes with that cool syringe stand that they should sell in life-size versions so I can get one for my living room.  

NYCC Exclusive Greads from Evil Dave x Dead Hand Toys


    We're officially one week away from the opening of New York Comic Con, so I'm gonna try and step up my game and show you all my favorite stuff that will be available there.   Be prepared to have your minds blow, your souls ache, and your wallet scream for mercy (in no particular order).

    You see these custom Greads from Evil Dave and Dead Hand Toys?  These are what you would call a bargain, cause not only are they 100% hand made, they're also 100% affordable.  Hot dogs at the Javitts Center cost more than these and only one of them will give you a tapeworm.  Ten full size Greads were made and cost only $28, while 30 micro Greads were produced and they will run ya a mere $12 each.  Twelve dollars for a hand made art toy?  These will be available at Suburban Vinyl's booth #208, which is part of the massive Tenacious Toys collective.  You can't miss it, the thing is like the size of a city block, but with minimal chance of being run over by an aggressive cab driver.  

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

NYCC Exclusives from Funko x Toy Tokyo

    New York Comic Con happens is just 8 days away and to prepare myself I took all of next week off from work.  You gotta be on your game when you go to this thing.  You have to be mentally sharp so you can seek out all the best deals before anyone else.  You have to be physically strong to push your way through walls of people that jam every aisle.  And you have to build your immune system to levels that would melt down a nuclear reactor, because someone there is going to sneeze on you.  It's inevitable.   

    One of my first stops every year is to visit the folks at Toy Tokyo.  You can't even call their setup a booth because they create a miniature version of their store in the showroom.  And by miniature I mean kinda huge and bigger than what you would expect.  They always have a ton of older items that I missed out on the first time around, but being a convention you know it's all about the exclusives, and they have some pretty great ones courtesy of Funko.  Here's a rundown of what I know about so far.

    Freddy and Jason 8-bit ReAction figures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Do I need to say anymore to entice you to want these?  They sell themselves, really.  For those of you that don't know, they are sporting those wacky colors because that's how they looked in their hideously awful Nintendo games way back in the day.  It's kind of a weird nostalgia trip to think "hey these look just like those games I was really pissed about wasting my money on when I was a kid, I MUST HAVE THEM".  You know you need them.

    Do these look unfamiliar to you?  That's because these Omamori Pop! Vinyl figures are usually  available to customers in Asia exclusively.   But Toy Tokyo will be the only store in North America to have these in this black and gold color scheme.  You're not gonna find these sitting on a shelf at Wal-Mart, so make sure you you get there early, cause people are gonna go nuts when they see them.         

    Looks like someone parked under a tree filled with ghost birds.  Do ghost birds still bombard your car with poop?  Someone should suggest the Ghost Hunter guys to go and investigate that, cause if I'm driving around in my sweet Hyundai and it's covered in ghost poop I'm gonna be pretty mad.  I'm sure that if I was driving Ecto-1 around I wouldn't have a problem getting a free car wash though.  

    What, there's still more?  Take a deep breath cowboy, cause the exclusives keep coming in just about every style of figure Funko makes.  Some of the Hikari soft vinyl figures they create benefit from this style of manufacturing more than others.  Astro Boy definitely looks awesome in both of these incarnations.  From what I hear these guys are uber limited and they would fit nicely in with your vintage Japanese toys.  Don't have any vintage Japanese toys?  Now you'll have a good excuse to go and buy some.  


    The Creature from the Black Lagoon used to be the most menacing thing anyone had ever seen in the water.  Then some shark from New England shows up and people forget all the pioneering work he did in snatching bikini clad ladies.  Well not today, for today we will mark his achievements in underwater terror with this figure.  Put it in a place of pride in your home, maybe next to your high school diploma, or meemaw's ashes.  

    Get these and more by visiting booth number 101.  

Monday, September 29, 2014

NYCC Exclusive Plushy from Furry Feline Creatives x Suburban Vinyl

    I think my entire house is filled with the ebola virus.  Sharon and I haven't been feeling well, one of the cats hasn't been feeling well.  Yesterday we left the house on our one day off together, which quickly ended with a visit to a sketchy McDonald's bathroom (Where a dude looked a little too long to see if anyone was occupying the stall.  All you have to know is whether someone's using it, you won't have to describe them to a police sketch artist, you creeper.) and we spent the rest of the day watching serial killer documentaries on MSNBC.  

    I think I wasn't feeling well cause I've been stressed out about Icarus not feeling his best.  Cats will drive you nuts cause unlike kids they don't whine when they don't feel good.  They're like the Black Knight from Monty Python and the Holy Grail.  You'll be all "hey kitty, what happened to your back legs that I know you had this morning and suddenly seem to be missing?"  and they'll be all "puuuurrrrrr could I get some belly scratches purrrrrrrrrr."  They're tough little buggers.  So you never really know whether they just have to fart or if something catastrophic is happening.

    On a different note, my wife is always trying to convince me that the cats would love nothing more than to wear costumes.  I told her that I don't think our health insurance is good enough to cover the mauling she would get if she tried to dress them us as ballerinas.  Sure, this cat looks all content wearing his Kaiju costume, but that's because he's not real and has no feelings of murder in his heart.  Furry Feline Creatives have made 12 of these plushy monster cats as New York Comic Con exclusives for Suburban Vinyl.  You can get one at booth #208 and let this satisfy any need you may feel to dress your cat for tea parties.  You'll thank me when you're not get stitched back together.  

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

NYCC Exclusive Sleeptime Bunnies from Peter Kato x myplasticheart

    OH MY GOD I AM OVERWHELMED WITH THE ADORABLENESS OF THESE!!!!  Ok, I'm trying to compose myself, but it's not gonna be easy.  I want to put all of theses bunnies in my mouth and carry them with me wherever I go.  I kinda wanna eat em too though, as they look like those Halloween candies I used to eat when I was a kid.

    Why, these very ones in fact.  Behold, the magic of the internet!  Though I have to admit I was a little biased and only ate the yellow and orange ones.  Back then the flavors I rejected just ended up in the trash, but now when I buy a bag of assorted candy I take the crappy ones to work and put them in the communal candy jar.  Not only am I not being wasteful, but I am also tricking my coworkers into thinking I'm a nice person and not someone who would push them into traffic with very little provocation.  Plus, it's easier to shove someone into the path of oncoming cars if they aren't expecting it.  It's survival of the fittest, punks!

    But really, these bunnies are about the cutest things you'll ever see in your life.  Peter Kato is introducing this newest line of critters in a special Sweet Harvest Edition as an exclusive for myplasticheart at New York Comic Con.  They are limited to only 30 pieces, sold blind, at at only $12 each will probably not last very long.  Get to booth # 113 early to get one.

Monday, September 22, 2014

NYCC Exclusive Muckey Haunted Castle from Instinctoy x myplasticheart

    Not long ago I dug through some old boxes in search of the one toy I've literally had for my entire life.  Though unrecognizable now, he was at one time a Winnie the Pooh and he's had a rough go of it. He's missing nearly all of his trademark yellow fur, most of his stuffing has fallen out through various holes that were repaired with Frankenstein-like stitchery.  One of his eyes is gone, his nose is in disrepair, and he generally looks like an extra from The Walking Dead.  And I love him.  

    The one thing he doesn't have though, is a row of razor sharp teeth carefully hidden away.  Not that he would have anywhere to hide them, as his fabric is mostly transparent.  Muckey has a sinister secret beneath that cute bear face, one that would like nothing more than to separate your skin from bone.  

    Instinctoy and myplasticheart have teamed up to release a limited number of these Haunted Castle editions at New York Comic Con in a few weeks.  He's the ultimate year round Halloween decoration and can be yours for $140 at booth # 113.  


Thursday, September 11, 2014

Two More NYCC Exclusives from myplasticheart

    New York Comic Con begins in less than a month and I have yet to see many announcements about exclusives.  Come on people, you're killing my ability to create an effective budget!  Thankfully myplasticheart is on the ball and here we have two more toys that you'll only be able to get at their booth.  Up first is Astronocchio from Dave Bondi.  These dudes are hand made with resin, stand 5 inches tall, are limited to 25 pieces, and will sell for $65 each.  

    This dude reminds me of a rogue olive.  Not that I've ever seen a rogue olive, but if one were to turn on you I imagine this is what it would look like.  This is of course Lou Pimentel's very popular Junior figure, and if I remember correctly they sell out of these every year.  So get there early, or find a good toy mule to smuggle you one.  Just be specific that you don't want him to use the same techniques one would apply to bringing drugs over the border.  You'll only make that mistake once.  $35 will get you one and Lou would be happy to sign it for you as he's always hanging around during the convention.  

Monday, September 8, 2014

NYCC Exclusive Sylvan Yeti from Gary Ham x Pobber Toys x myplasticheart

    It's that time of year again.  Time for me to start doing push-ups so I can fight my way through the crowds of New York Comic Con.  Every year it seems like they manage to pack more people into that building, making walking from one end of the con to the other a more physical sport than it needs to be.  It actually wouldn't be so bad if people didn't stop cosplayers in the middle of the walkway to pose for pictures.  Dude, I get that you NEEEEEEEEEED your photo with every girl dressed as Slave Leia because you're not one to pass up an exposed midriff, but just know that if you clog up the thoroughfare and I'm close enough, I'm gonna make the worst face you've ever seen in your life and ensure it is there forever to ruin your fantasy moment.  No matter who you show your pictures to, all they'll want to know is what's up with the angry looking bridge troll in the background.  I'm not just doing it because I'm a jerk, I'm doing it for all of those people that had to get way too close to sweaty strangers because you decided to create a traffic jam of epic nerd proportions.   One day they will build a statue of me outside of the Javits Center for my contributions to mankind and my dedication to keeping it moving.  

    But let's focus on what's really important about comic con, and that's the exclusive toys.  myplasticheart has been kind enough to get the ball rolling with Sylvan Yeti from Gary Ham and Pobber Toys.  This chilly fella is limited to 50 pieces and will be priced at $75 each and available at booth # 113.  

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

NYCC Exclusive Sons of Anarchy Figures from Mezco

    So I read on Twitter this morning that Kurt Sutter, the creator of Sons of Anarchy, had a dream where he ended the series by revealing the entire show was all just a day dream Jax was having while driving his Vespa to Starbucks.  The amount of people that would have lost their minds if that actually happened would have been totally worth doing it.  Hopefully they'll actually film that and make it a bonus on the dvd set.  And I'm almost ashamed to admit how relatable that scenario is.  My wife is always asking me for stories about my day, which I spend the entirety of standing in front of machines and making eye glasses.  It's not really the stuff great tales are made of.  But amid the sometimes maddening sounds of sharp blades carving through chunks of plastic I find my mind wandering beyond the confines of my sterile looking room.  I get so deep in thought that I only snap out of it when someone inevitably comes in to ask me a question and scares me to the brink of a heart attack.  I really need to buy a dead bolt for my door.

    You know where they have lots of doors that lock?  Prison.  Though I doubt you really get to collect your thoughts very often while trying not to be shanked or made the object of some frightening dude's affections.  At this year's New York Comic Con, Mezco will be releasing these Jax and Clay variants that are decked out in the finest county issued outfits that tax money can buy.  If you're going to the convention you can pick them up at booth number 1855.  A limited amount will also be released online at starting this Friday, August 22nd.