Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Kozik x Kidrobot Purple and Yellow Plushy Labbits

    I wish real rabbits had mustaches. Like big, bare-knuckle boxer mustaches from the dawn of industry. If I ever meet a genie, this dream of mine will finally come true. Right after I get a really sick motorcycle, the ability to grow mutton chops, and a pet Bengal tiger named Thor. But number four on my list is definitely a mustache for every bunny in the world.

    Kozik and the folks at Kidrobot would probably be ok with that, since they're doing everything in their power to make it happen. These plushy Labbits can now be yours in both yellow and purple and in two different sizes to fit your needs. If you have a lot of space in your place then you can get a 14 inch one, or if you're a hoarder like me and space is a premium, maybe you wanna go for the 7 inch fun size. The big un will cost ya $39.95 and the little un is $17.95. Get em July 26th.

Kozik x Kidrobot Stylin Labbit Hat

    Well these two are downright precious in their matching Labbit hats. Our buddy Kozik and Kidrobot have decided that these mustachioed critters shouldn't just be limited to a shelf in your house; they should take their rightful place in the world of high fashion! Be the envy of all your friends as you sport this modern-day Davy Crockett look. Get one now for only $19.95 and maybe you could look have as dashing as this fellow:

I was wondering what Burt Reynolds has been up to.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Super7 is in the Alien Business

    Super7 has always made some interesting critters, but this is the first time they've ever made actual Aliens. The story of these figures is that they were designed and even prototyped in 1979 but were never actually manufactured. Super7 some how got a hold of these and now are producing them. I've never heard of anything like this happening before and can't wait to see what the final products are like. There will also be other Alien merch available when these come out next year and I'll show you more as soon as I see it. Cause I'm like an ace reporter or something.

Super7 x Transformers Goodness is Coming

    Ooooooooh, now this is something to get excited about. Super7 is gonna be making Transformers merch!! Optimus Prime is getting the Super Shogun treatment and will stand 2 feet tall and include a rocket launching fist. Is this thing gonna be one of this sickest toys you've ever seen? Yes, yes it will.
They will also be making a bunch of other cool vinyl toys, shirts, prints, and glassware. Start saving your money now so you're ready to go when this stuff debuts in 2013.

Monday, July 16, 2012

We Become Monsters: Galaxy Frankenstein

    Hmmmmm, well I guess everything you could want to know about this killer release is right there for ya. Doesn't leave much for me to do,which is ok, cause I'm watching Restaurant Impossible on the Food Network as I type this. Thank God they're finally coming out with new episodes cause I'm tired of watching the same old ones. But even though I've seen them all they're still better then everything else that happens to be on right now. So forget tv and order some cool stuff from We Become Monsters. It's a better way to spend your time.

Bad Applez Inc: Two Faced Rotten Apples

    This is why I prefer canned fruit, because whenever I buy it fresh I can never eat it all before it goes bad. I'll get a bag of apples and all will be good for a few days, then I'll be tired of eating all the apples and I'll take a few days off from them, then they start to look like the picture up there. It's too much pressure and I don't like to feel obligated to a food group.

    I can get behind these apples though, cause there's no need to worry about their freshness. These 3 inch resin apples are all hand painted by Mike "Nemo" Mendez and available starting today for only $20 by going to Oh, and they look like skulls, which kinda gives kids a pretty good reason for not eating healthy so just be prepared for that argument if you have little ones.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Kozik x Kronk x Kidrobot 8 Deadly Sins Labbit Mini Series

    Wow, these suckers are waaaaaaaaaaay overdue.  I've been hoping for a Labbit Mini Series featuring other artists and now it looks like I'm gonna get my wish.  These are the 8 Deadly Sins Labbits and they were all designed by Kronk!!!!  Now, I'm no scholar or anything, but I'm pretty sure there is an extra sin thrown in there that I am unfamiliar with.  But who cares cause extra sin = extra toy.  These little guys will all be blind boxed, sell for $9.95 each, and be available July 26th from Kidrobot.  Now maybe we can get a multiple artist series going featuring designs hand picked by Kozik.  It could happen.