Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Monsterpants NYCC Exclusive Sea-Borg

    You know what you need in your life? Don't you dare say a stack of hundred dollar bills because I worked retail long enough to be allowed to smack you for that (me: "will that be all for you today?" smarmy customer : "yeah, unless you got a stack of hundreds you wanna give me") Not one of those girly love smacks either. I'm talking about a full-on man smack sucka!

    You need Sea-Borgs in your life you silly goose you. These crazy creatures are made by the two hands of James Felix McKenney from Monsterpants. This gold edition is limited to only 20 pieces and will be $35. Visit James at the Monsterpants booth #3116 at New York Comic Con and see what other crazy stuff he brought with him.

Pete Fowler x Dudebox Present Dai Ocean

    Check out this chill bro from Dudebox. This is Dai Ocean and he's part of the Pete Fowler and Fiends series. He looks like that one cool uncle everyone has, the one that has a motorcycle and would take you to get your first tattoo. You can get this guy at New York Comic Con or get a preorder set up on Dudebox's website. And if you check out their Facebook page you could win an original piece of art featuring this guy. Get on it!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

NYCC Exclusives from DC Collectibles

    MTV Geek got the scoop on these New York Comic Con exclusives from DC Collectibles, so now you know how much pull I really have out there in the toy world. What do I have to do DC? I thought we had something special, but I had to resort to stealing these pictures from another site. My wittle heart is broken.

    The dudes who created Wallace & Gromit made this Batman figure you see here. It's from shorts that are shown on Cartoon Network, or so I hear. I don't watch much tv unless it involves girl fights or outlaw motorcycle gangs. A guy has to have entertainment standards ya know? You can get one of these for yourself for $25.

    How many Green Lantern folks are there? Or do they just dress anything up in the costumes and call it a day? Ok, you got me, I'm not a huge Green Lantern guy so no I don't actually know all of the stories. All I know is there seems to be a lot of characters to keep up with and these are two of them. That red guy is pretty cool looking though, like he would scare the crap out of you if you saw him in public. This 2 pack is also gonna be $25 and you can pick up these goodies at the Graphitti Designs booth #939.

Crappy Cat Meme 6 Pack

    I'm thankful that I have a job that doesn't offer me Internet access. While that may prevent me from updating this here website as much as I would like, it also keeps me from trying to see everything that's funny online. I do make some time for FailBlog at the end of a long day, so these new Crappy Cat toys have a special place in my heart.

    Anyone with a computer will recognize these 6 faces as being the cornerstones of Internet humor. For $55 you get one of each figure and they will even ship them to your door. But here's the catch: you only have until tomorrow at 2pm Eastern to get yours. Act fast and go to to get yours.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Ultrus Bog Black Earth Scalded Magma Soul Edition

    What's not to like about this guy?  Anyone who knows me knows I've been coveting one of these for awhile now and maybe this is my chance to strike.  You can't own a toy like this if you're a sissy, cause it will rip out your soul and make sandwiches from your leftover flesh husk.  Good sandwiches too, not that crap you get pre packaged at the gas station that will turn your intestines into low income housing for parasites.  No, we're talking primo deli meats with all the fixins.  And he'll do it all while listening to lo-fi Norwegian black metal cassettes from the early 90's.

    This is Ultrus Bog and he has sprung from the twisted mind that sloshes around in the skull of one named Skinner.  It might be my favorite toy ever that I don't own.  You can get one of your own and make me jealous on October 1st from Lullubell Toy Bodega at 1pm Pacific time.  

Rsin x Kidrobot NYCC Exclusive Dunny Release

    Ok, this is my must have for New York Comic Con.  Rsin is finally getting a production figure and it is on what I consider the king of all vinyl platform toys.  This 3 inch Dunny is a NYCC exclusive, limited to 1200 pieces and will be available at their booth # 2909 begining Friday at the con.  Rsin will also be signing from 12-2pm that day and he has a booth with Tenacious Toys all weekend just in case you miss him the first go round.  The best part of this being my must-have item of the convention?  It's only $14.95!!!

Friday, September 21, 2012

myplasticheart's First NYCC Exclusives Announced

    myplasticheart doesn't play around when it comes to exclusives for New York Comic Con.  Every year they have a ton of cool things that would look cool chillin on your entertainment center and now they're giving us a peak at this years must haves.  

    First up, some wacky flavored Mini Ice Scream Men from Brutherford Industries.  My wife spent 10 years of her life living in Taiwan, so I've heard many stories about her interesting culinary adventures, but none of them surprise me more than the one's about snack foods.  Squid chips?  Wasabi peas?  I definitely didn't have access to that stuff growing up in Virginia, so it never fails to fascinate me.  Now many of us may have never tried green tea, red bean, or black sesame ice cream before, but we can now bring some home and not worry about it going bad before we get the courage to taste is.  You can buy all 3 for only $52, or get one for $20.  Only 50 of each were made and Mr. Brutherford himself will sign his name on them for you Friday at noon.  

    If you're lactose intolerant maybe this guy is more your speed.  It's the Gin and Tonic edition of Doktor A's Chester Runcorn.  This steampunk gent from Kuso Vinyl is a pre release and will cost $64.99.  The good Doc will be signing his wares on Saturday at 4pm.  

    I think this is my favorite of the bunch so far.  This is Chris Ryniak's Ivory Edition Misfortune Cat.  What made kitty sad enough to do something so drastic?  Probably you, but you'll have to work that out in therapy I suppose.  I think I'm gonna get this as my tombstone when I pass on to the great beyond.  Seriously, it would be the coolest thing in the cemetery.  Only 100 of these guys were made and they will set you back $55.  Mr. Ryniak will also be at the con on Friday at 4pm so I can discuss plans for my memorial with him.  I wonder how much a 4 foot tall one in stone would cost?