Thursday, August 2, 2012

Custom Toy Event of the Week


If you didn't know about this, now you do. It's gonna be an awesome show with crazy custom toys made by crazy custom folks. Many of the artists will be there and they will be upset if you don't come. And so will I. No one wants to see me cry in public.

The show starts at 6pm at Jinxed in Philadelphia. Come say hi.

Halo Figures from 3A

    3A make some of the most beautiful toys in the world but I rarely have a chance to write about them. They are like a world unto themselves and by the time I hear anything they are long sold out. But I actually got a tip about these, so read fast and then go preorder yours from the Bambaland store.

    What we have here are two ridiculously detailed Spartans from the Halo video game series. They stand nearly 14 inches tall and are loaded with fiber optics, magnets, mini weapons, and other plastic magic that will blow your mind. I mean just look at them. Now all that awesomeness doesn't come cheap, as each of these space soldiers will run you $200. You will regret it for the rest of your life if you have the slightest interest in these and you don't buy them.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Star Wars Celebration Exclusives from Diamond Select Toys

    If you're going to Star Wars Celebration next month you're probably saving all your pennies to make George Lucas a little bit richer. But what about after the convention, when you realize you still have a mortgage to pay and kids that need braces? Fear not, for Diamond Select Toys have two exclusive banks to help you rebuild your wealth pile.

    You have Boba Fett up there all painted in his Empire Strikes Back color scheme. Only 250 of them were made and they will be $20 each.

    Next you have one of R2-D2 's cousins, R2-Q5. This droid is limited to 100 pieces and is also $20. Get 'em both at booth #632.

Mass Effect 3 Mimobots

    Remember when Mass Effect 3 came out and all the whiny babies complained about the ending? I remember, but I didn't complain because I've never played the game. Never played the first one or the second one either. I heard they were good, but these games involve too many choices for me. I'm not good at games where my decisions will impact how the story will unfold, cause my natural tendency is to do all the stuff I can't get away with in real life. Everyday I have to do my best to not use my plasma rifle for evil, so if you're gonna give me the chance to do it in a fictional world I'm gonna be bad all day long.

    Mimobot has teamed up with Mass Effect 3 to create these sweet USB drives. But that's not all they do sucka, cause they come preloaded with awesome content like a Reinforcement Pack to use in multiplayer mode. You want one? Of course you do, don't be silly. You can preorder one now from Bioware's web store.

Help The Sucklord and Monsterpants Make a Movie

    How many times in your life will someone ask you to help them make a movie (put your hand down Tom Cruise, I know you're reading this)? For the average person the answer is "never", but with the invention of Kickstarter we common folks now have the ability to help create amazing things. Monsterpants and the Sucklord need your help to make a film called Villian, in which our favorite toy bootlegger plays a really bad dude that wants to rid his city of real life super heroes. Is it a documentary? I knew that guy was up to something when he wasn't making stuff in his hideout. No one can breathe in that many chemical fumes and not loose it every once in awhile.

    Now let's get down to business. This film needs your help to become a reality. Through the magic of the aforementioned Kickstarter, you can donate to this project and get cool stuff in return. You wanna be a producer? Done. You want some cool autographed items from the cast and crew? No problem. But since you like toys, how about some handmade figures from the star of the film himself? Pledge $250 or more and you can get a toy depicting the Sucklord's character. If you know anything about his work you know that this is a pretty good price for what could be a very rare creation. It's a safer investment than Facebook stock. Get in on it by clicking here.

Monday, July 30, 2012

The Toy Viking x Jinxed Philly Custom Toy Show

    Ryan Rutherford is the creator of the world famous Ice Scream Man toy and I was lucky enough to convince him and his lovely wife, Tamara Petrosino, to customize Munnyworld figures for my first ever toy show. You can see each one in these work in progress pics they sent over. If you wanna see the final products (which I've seen and they are both amazing) then you should come to the show at Jinxed in Philly this Saturday, August 4th. It starts at 6pm so come by and see all the toys (or even buy them).

Kozik x Kidrobot Mini Smorkin Labbits

    I may be mistaken, but I think this is the 18th set of Labbits that Kozik and Kidrobot have released this year. I just got excited about the last two and the BAM I see these guys. I guess Labbits and Rabbits the same tenacity for breeding. One thing I noticed about the these guys is there are a few that are standing up like people. And just like people they are all about yummy fried chicken. It's nice to find things in common with your toys.

    You can beef up your bunny collection August 9th for $4.95 per blind box.