Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Sucklord at Munky King This Friday

    Munky King understands what the people want and that is more Sucklord. For some reason he hasn't gotten his own spin off show yet (just call it The Desperate Toy Maker of Chinatown and get the thing on the air already Bravo, ya jerks). Of course The Sucklord would not fly all the way to California to meet his adoring public without having some way to take all of their money. Thus I present to you the Sucklord 43:

Pretty fancy huh? This hand bootlegged figure will be released this Friday, March 30th at Munky King in Los Angeles. I want one, but since I live 3,000 miles away I don't think it's gonna happen for me. But if you can get yourself there it is destined to be one of toy events of the year.

April Ninja of the Month from Shawnimals

    Whatcha know bout an Eel Ninja? I know a few things, like for instance, this is the April Ninja of the Month from Shawnimals. He comes out on April 4th at 1pm CDT for only $30 American dollar bills. As per usual there are only 100 hand made dudes available and they consigned and numbered. I also know that he could take Aquaman in a fight. I don't care how many fish you can have conversations with cause that won't get you very far with an aquatic ninja.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Ajee x K. Olin Tribu Kosplay Porcelain Edition Update

     So it looks like tomorrow is the big day for the release of Ajee's Kosplay Porcelain Edition through K. Olin Tribu.  There will only be twelve sets of figures available and each comes packaged in a special wooden box.  The set will retail for $630, which is expensive, but these things were evidently very hard to make.  Plus, you know this really transcends just being a typical toy and is a real work of art.

Pink Prowler Casket Cruiser from Super7

    Does the color pink make a coffin less creepy or does it take the creepiness to an entire new level? What about a coffin that doubles as a car driven buy a guy with a rose bud for a head? Super7 are unleashing this guy on the world next Thursday April 5th. He's called the Pink Prowler Casket Cruiser (which seems a pretty accurate description) and can be yours for $65. I actually really like this color way because it is so different from what I'm normally interested in. See, I can accept change. Sometimes. When it doesn't involve food, or differences in my routine. And it doesn't cost me money. Or moving to a new place. Or involves a doctor. I hate change.

MonsterPants Toys Presents The Sea-Borgs

    James Felix McKenney has mastered time management on a cosmic level. The man behind MonsterPants somehow finds the time to make movies, distribute independent films, do a radio show, and make killer toys that you're gonna want to give him money for. His latest creations are the Sea-Borgs, a set of three figures all hand made in resin. You could pick up any one of them for $20, or you could get the entire set for $50. These little guys have a ton of personality and a pretty cool back story to boot. Check out pick these guys up for yourself.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Ultimate Collector Series R2-D2 Lego

    Be prepared.  I only wrote about Star Wars stuff today.  I know.  I let you down.  Now you sound like my real dad.

    This Ultimate Collector Series R2-D2 from Lego is pretty sick.  You build it from 2,127 pieces, which means you shouldn't let your cats anywhere near it because they will surely sneak off with a few without you noticing.   It does more than just sit there and wait for you to knock it off the book shelf.  The third leg retracts (I'm not going to say it),  the head rotates, other things open and close and it makes ice cream.  Ok, not that last part.  He can be yours in May for $180 direct from Lego.  


Darth Malgus Life Size Figure from Sideshow Collectibles

     The term "life size figure" conjures up a lot of weird images for me.  Most of them are not family friendly and I would prefer that I not have ever heard of them.  But this puts a more innocent spin on what could otherwise be a scandalous thing you have have to be 18 years or older to purchase.  This giant Darth Malgus makes me wish how all of my old Star Wars toys had all been life size.  Just picture a backyard filled with giant plastic space men!!!!!  You could bring all of your friends over to help you move them around and recreate scenes from the movie and you could laugh when Chewbacca falls over and crushes your one annoying friend who always smells like old cheese but no one will tell him cause his dad taught him how to bar fight.

    So anyway, I saw one of these at New York Comic Con last year and I could not figure out how to steal it.  Now I just have to steal enough money to buy one from Sideshow Collectibles when this sucker is released.  They won't reveal any more info until May 27th on this guy, so you should sign up for their email list in case I forget to tell you about it.