Thursday, May 14, 2020

Bullet and Bullion Resin WNDGO Dunnys from Scott Tolleson

    At the rate the world is going I figure we're about a year away from welding spikes onto our cars and wearing animal skulls on our faces.  The thing I never got about post apocalyptic movies like Mad Max is why everyone is driving around in the biggest gas guzzlers they can find.  When I picture the wasteland of our future I don't see it peppered with convenience stations where you can fill up the tank while grabbing some beef jerky and an oversized Diet Pepsi.  So you would think putting some dune buggy tires on a Hyundai would make much more sense than loading up some lifted truck with a ton of steel whose sole purpose is to look scary.  But as we see on the news, the slightest inconvenience in the world turns many of our brains into mush.  I just want to know when is it considered too soon to shave my head into a mohawk and add the title of warlord to my business cards?  I like to be prepared.

    Scott Tolleson's WNDGO Dunny seems well dressed for the future everyone seems to want.  He's decked out in a snazzy chrome mask that doesn't look virus proof, but will easily separate you from whatever will take the place of money.  Two different versions of this five inch resin figure (Bullet and Bullion) will be available tomorrow, Friday May 15th.  Each one will retail for $300 plus shipping and can be yours starting promptly at noon pacific time by visiting

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Gachafest 2020 from Toy Art Gallery x Paul Kaiju

     You better take advantage of Gachafest because this is the closest thing to Coachella you're gonna see this year.  I used to love going to festival shows when I was younger because I could check a huge amount of bands off my list in one shot.  At the risk of sounding old I will admit that I would rather gargle bleach than subject myself to a music festival now.  Mostly because I just can't deal with the summer heat the way I used to, but also because the older I am the shorter my attention span gets.  Even when my wife and I go to shows now if there's more than one opening act I second guess buying tickets.  For one, I like to get to the point. I don't need to be warned up, I maintain my level of warmth like a handsome crock pot. Secondly, my bedtime is much earlier now and it takes me a week to recover should I be brazen enough to ignore it.  

    Toy Art Gallery is unleashing a plethora of Paul Kaiju mini figures as part of the aforementioned Gachafest.  Each tiny sofubi figure stands about two inches tall and is only $10 each, which if my calculations are correct mean you could by enough with your stimulus check to fill a regulation sized wheelbarrow.   They'll be available this Friday, May 8th, at noon pacific time only from  

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Introducing Splat from Splatoys

   I can assure you that when I was 15 years old I never had any inclination of making my own toys.  I mostly thought about football, girls, metal, making unearthly noises on my guitar, girls, getting out of my podunk town, and my sweet 1983 burgundy Volvo station wagon.  And I'd still be driving that car if the engine hadn't died.  The brains behind Splatoys is a mere 15 years in age and he got more direction than most people twice his age.  His debut figure is also the namesake of the company and he reminds me of those little Scrubbing Bubbles that I may of may not have thought were real when I was a tiny child and could never understand why my mom just didn't hire them to clean everything instead of wasting her time. 

    This kid is also a master of merchandise, because not only does he have the figures,  but he has already branched out into t-shirts, pins, and even prints.   Check out everything that's available by visiting

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Nordic Lucky Cat Enamel Pins Available Now

   What better time to launch a new product than during a worldwide pandemic! Timing has never been my strong suit, but what can ya do?  Just in time for all of those stimulus checks to hit, you can now buy one of these killer Nordic Lucky Cat pins from me.  I designed em, worked with a factory to produce em, and now they're ready to be the ultimate accessory to your already fabulous wardrobe.  Each pin is 1 and 1/2 inches tall and are $10 each which includes free shipping in the United States.  They're limited to 100 pieces and can be had right now by visiting  

Friday, April 17, 2020

Prismatic Resin Shard Dunnys from Scott Tolleson

   What magic is this?  Scott Tolleson's Shard Dunny has seen many iterations, but this version is insane.  But Chris you say, what makes these so special?  I'm glad you asked, cause these Prismatic edition Dunnys change color depending on which angle you view them.  I have no idea how this effect was achieved, but imagine the fun you could have stoned out of your gourd while in quarantine, eating all of your Oreo rations and watching the colors change as you spin one of these in your hands.  Hell, you may just unlock the secrets of the universe, or you may just forget to shower for a week.  Anything is possible in these uncertain times.  Also don't do drugs, or whatever.  

    Hollywood prop maker and all around resin magician Task One made these 3 inch resin figures and they will instantly become a cherished piece in your collection.  That is, if you're lucky enough to score one of the 30 available when they go on sale today, April 17th.  They are $60 each and will be available starting at 10am pacific time only from  

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Apoc4lypse One Off Release Lottery from The Devil's Kaiju

     When you elect the Antichrist to run the country why should you be surprised that the Apocalypse was soon to follow?  Ok, the second part of that was a little dramatic, but don't act like the thought hasn't crossed your mind.  Though watching the news is enough to make you wish it would hurry up and get here already, and don't tell me you won't be excited to see all the morons in their little red baseball caps as they realize the elevator they're on only goes down.   Pack your aloe vera in case you burn easily. 

   The Devil's Kaiju has a fitting name to go along with such a doomsday themed release.  He's calling it the Apoc4lypse, as there are four sets of one off figures that call out to the most famous of horsemen.  Each set consists of one of his GØD figures and one companion Aleister.  You think they're gonna scoop the poop of their beastly pets? Just imagine what a beast like that leaves behind on his daily walks.

    If you want the chance to purchase these you have to enter a lottery to do so.  Here are the details:

1. Send ONE email only please to:
2. Email title MUST be: The Apoc4lypse Lottery
3. Email Body (English please/ No special characters): 
4. List your preferred one-off colorway selection in order of 1-4, 1 being your favorite. 

     1. Green
     2. Pale
     3. Red
     4. Black

Your full name:
Shipping Address:
Paypal Email Address:
Outside US only: Phone Number:

Winners will be chosen at random Monday (4.20.20) and will receive an email notification and Paypal invoice at that time.
Winners have 48 hours to pay or another will be selected. Thank you so much for your support and interest. Namaste & good luck!

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Brick Red Edition Kub from Mike Fudge x UVD Toys

  The world is crazy right now, as I'm sure you know, but the weather in New Jersey has been all like "hold my beer" and turned things up a notch.  The other day it was 60 degrees out and it magically starts snowing out.  Granted, it only lasted for five minutes, but it was really weird and almost more snow than we had all winter.  Yesterday we were under tornado watch all day, which is one of those things that never happens here.  Today I wore my heavy jacket and I have my hard hat in the car just in case the intensity of these weather events ramps up to Biblical plague level.  Frogs look soft until they're smacking you in the head from the cruising altitude of a 747.

    Mike Fudge's wildly popular Kub vinyl figure seems well dressed for anything this apocalyptic weather could throw at him.  This version is knows as the brick red edition, well, because that's what color it is.  Not everything has to be overly complicated.  UVD Toys will have this 7 inch figure available starting tomorrow, Wednesday April 15th, at noon eastern time.  Limited to 100 pieces and retailing for $75 each, they can be had directly from the source at