Thursday, July 26, 2012

Dawn Femme Fatale Statue

    Go ahead and make a "gingers have no soul" joke to this chick, I dare you. As you probably already knew, this is Dawn and she has a really big sword. And it's sharp. And it thinks it's funny that your skull bothers protecting your brain, cause a stick of butter would be just as effective when facing a weapon like this. She will cut you sucka.

    Dawn is the latest Femme Fatale statue from Diamond Select Toys. This purtty lady stands 9 inches tall and is gonna be available August 1st.

Jason Freeny's Capsl Toys

    We all know the world economy is in the toilet and that especially hits hard with collectors because you have to get the most you can for your money. That means before you buy an armful of blind boxes you gotta do a lot of math trying to figure out ratios and your odds of getting the ones you want. It pleases me and my credit rating when I can pick and choose esential pieces or buy an entire set outright without having to pray for the fates to be on my side.

    With that in mind, I present to you Capsls by Jason Freeny and FCTRY/Jailbreak Collective. You can mix and match parts from these guys to customize them any way you want. You can use them as keychains, store small valuables in them, or just leave them as they are and let them spice up your toy collection. There are 12 in the base set and you can buy them blind or pick the ones you want. Doing it that way they are $7.99 each, or for $99 you can get the whole set plus the limited edition Medicine Man design. Get yours right now by going to

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Andrew Bell x Kidrobot Mahakala Dunny

    I'm not gonna pretend that I can properly pronounce this guy's name, but I can tell you that I want one reeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaalllllllllyyyyyyyyyy badly. Just look at it: it's a Dunny wearing the skulls of smaller Dunnys like a fashion statement. This is the new Mahakala 8 inch Dunny from Andrew Bell and Kidrobot. The white version of this angry bro was released at Comic Con and a smaller version of this one was in the 2012 series armed with a flaming sword. This time he's brushing the dust off of his trident and harvesting more bunny heads for a new shirt he's working on. When not collecting bones he enjoys watching Project Runway and has decided that it is now time to marry the two interests. Or something.

    You can try to get one of the 900 of these that exist when they are released August 2nd. They will be $100.

Buy King Crakal and Get Little Crakal Free from Dudebox

    A wise man once said, "the only thing better than toys is more toys." That wise man was me and I have yet to be proven wrong in these matters. Dudebox understands this fact and is now giving you more for your money. You see that giant King Crakal figure from artist Jonny Wan? He now comes with his little buddy absolutely free. Two toys for the price of one? Yeah, I'm cool with that.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Matt Anderson for The Toy Viking x Jinxed Custom Show

    You may or may not have heard that I helped put together a little toy show on August 4th and that it's at Jinxed in Philadelphia and that it's gonna be a good time and you should go. Matt Anderson is gonna be there and he's working on what promises to be an amazing toy for the show. That work in progress pic features what used to be a Raffy Munnyworld character that is being transformed into a koi fish. Wanna see the final work of art in person? Then you should come out and see it sucka. Here are the details:

Huck Gee x Kidrobot Skullslinger

    Of all the shows that are no longer on tv I miss Deadwood the most. It was set in one of the most interesting periods of American history and was filled with characters that were as fascinating as they were dirty. The wild west was awesome and you could punch someone in the mouth if you caught them wearing skinny jeans. That's how things should be. That's 'Merica.

    Huck Gee and Kidrobot released a version of this dude at Comic Con earlier this month and now the rest of us folks have the chance to pick him up. This undead lawman stands an impressive 11 inches tall and can be yours for $100 on August 9th. 700 of them exist in the world and that may sound like a lot, but I can guarantee you they won't last long cause his stuff never does.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Olympic Themed Mascot from Kidrobot

    I love the Olympics and I really can't explain why. The only sport I ever watch in real life is hockey, and I'm not terribly patriotic. It every time the Summer Olympics comes around I get all excited and watch as much of it as possible. I reaaaaalllly love the Winter Olympics the best though, cause every one of those sports was invented by crazy folks with a foot of snow in the yard and nothing better to do. Just think about them, every single event is pretty much based on boredom. Get stuck in the house for a week during a horrible snow storm and you'll be amazed at the nonsense you think is a good idea.

    Kidrobot is so worked up about the Games they decided to make an athletic Mascot. He comes completed with dumbbell and syringe filled with go juice. You can get this 3 inch competitor for $14.95 on July 27th. There's only 2012 in the world, cause that's the year and stuff.