Monday, October 14, 2013

My New York Comic Con After Thoughts

    New York Comic Con is always an experience to say the least, but this year it was much different for me.  My grandfather passed away just before the convention began, and my wife and I spent the first two days of it in Virginia to attend his funeral.  The idea of gawking over toys and taking pictures of super heroes didn't seem that important to us.  It was one of the hardest things I've ever been through in my life, and the idea of sitting on the couch for the next few days and decompressing sounded really good.  But then we talked about it on the drive back home and we decided that it was important for us to go.  We needed a break from the loss we had just experienced, and when you really think about it, that's exactly why stuff like this exists in the first place.  People read comic books and play video games and watch movies as a way to escape their own lives even for a brief moment.  For an hour or two a day you don't have to think about the job you hate, or the bills you owe, or anything else that may trouble your head.  You can live vicariously through vast stories in complex worlds and everything that bothers you just melts away.  It's what we needed, so we packed up the car and headed north.

   We're really into designer toys so the fact that they made The Block even bigger this year was a plus for us.  We got to see a lot of old friends and finally meet people we had known online for years.  And we bought a ton of stuff that I will now have to rearrange my house to display, but that's not the worst problem I could have.  Here are some random highlights from the con:

1.)  We discovered the press lounge.  

       Every year we wait in line to buy pretzels and then hunt for an open spot anywhere along the floor to sit down for a few minutes.  Then we found heaven.  The press lounge was about the size of a football field and filled with tables and chairs that sat empty, waiting for us to park our tired behinds in. And they had their own concession stand.  And there own bathrooms.  The latter of which may not seem important to anyone else, but is the most welcome sight to anyone at comic con.  Sharon waited in line for a half hour the first day just to have her shoes soaked with toilet water and pee pee from the floor.  Normally I would find that hilarious, but the germaphobe in me was quick to point out that we didn't take separate cars.  But the bathrooms in the press lounge were pristine.  It was as if they expected Beyonce to show up and drop the kids off at the pool.  I felt guilty washing my hands.  

2.)  We went to our first ever panel.

      We've been going to NYCC for years but have never actually attended a panel.  So after I had checked our hotel room for bedbugs and dead hookers we perused the guide to see if there was anything that caught our fancy.  We were obsessed with the tv show The Following and they were doing something with the cast and creators of the show to talk about the upcoming second season.  So we thought ok, if we didn't have to wait in line for three hours we would check it out.  Ten minutes before it was scheduled to start we walked right in and got pretty close.  The guide didn't actually name any of the cast that would be there so we figured it would be "janitor number 2" or some other random dudes from the show.  Oh no, it was THE ENTIRE PRINCIPAL CAST, which includes KEVIN BACON.  That's right, I was officially like 1 degree from Kevin Bacon.  I still have a bruise in the shape of my wife's hand wrapped around my arm when he took the stage.  They showed a preview trailer for the next season and then talked about a bunch of stuff, answered questions, etc etc.  It was pretty cool and will probably be the gateway to me attending more panels.  

3.)  On The Subject of Hotels.

      If you think you got an amazing deal on a hotel room at the last minute, you didn't.  You will be made well aware of this when you walk in and there are fans everywhere trying to dry out the first floor where your room happens to be and which also had just flooded a few days before.  If you are still in doubts about your awesome deal the very rude girl working at the front counter will be happy to let you know with her horrible attitude and by the fact that "the stupid maids forgot to put towels in your room so you'll have to carry them."  Your lack of deal will really be driven home by the six rooms on either side of yours that were too water damaged to be rented out and whose doors were left open to air dry and whose floors were covered in flood debris that no one bothered to throw out.  I checked a few of them to make sure the smell was just mold and not something that I needed to call the police about.  But I'll give them credit, I didn't find any bed bugs, so I actually slept pretty well.  And I almost made it out of there without something under the tub giving way while I was taking a shower and the middle of it sinking a few inches beneath me.  Almost.  

4.)  I Love Comic Con.

     Seriously I do.  They need to find a way to make comic con it's own sustainable community, with apartments and grocery stores.  I would love to live at comic con.  The booths could just update themselves whenever new stuff came out and it would probably be the happiest place on earth.  It could be like the Vatican for nerds.  

     I'll be posting a lot of pictures up and talking about more of what I saw all week, so check back often.  

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

We'll Return On Monday

    Dry those tears little one, as I will return on Monday to regale you with wild tales, shennanigans, and hijinks the likes of which you have never seen.  Including, but not limited to, the adventures of New York Comic Con.  Until then, I give you this:

Monday, October 7, 2013

Kyle Kirwan Exclusives for New York Comic Con

    Kyle Kirwan has gone rogue, which I can appreciate.  I feel like this website is on the fringe of toy collecting, because I just don't tell you about cool stuff, I also ramble on about nonsense and try to entertain you a bit.  Make you smile while you're sitting at work or chillin on the toilet.  Yeah, it can be kind of out there at times, but you gotta take risks man.  That's what I like about Mr. Kirwan.  Sure, he could have partnered up to sell his wares at New York Comic Con, but instead he's gonna just be hanging out and selling his goods right from his backpack.  That's what Evel Knievel would do if he made toys.  And it feels dangerous, like he's a criminal mastermind or something.  I wish people would stand on the corner and sell toys instead of illegal stuff, then they wouldn't be as useless to society and I'd feel like I was doing something I shouldn't be. 

    He made 10 of each design and will be selling them for $25 each.  But you gotta find him and I have no idea what he looks like.  Maybe he just finds you.    

Frank Kozik x Outsmart Originals for NYCC

    One day when this whole blog thing pays off and Hollywood is begging me to write blockbusters (I'm not really that delusional I swear) I'm gonna need some new meeting shirts.  You can't go in wearing a suit and tie, because then you're playing their game.  You have to let them know that you hold all the cards; you're a rebel and you play by your own rules, which you don't have cause then you would have to break those too cause that's how much of a rebel you are.  

    These new shirts from Frank Kozik and Outsmart Originals will work just fine.  They both say "hey, maybe this dude isn't completely with it, but he's a genius and we should give him a truck full of money."  I have been known to read too much into things, but that's what I hear em saying.  And no, they aren't actually talking to me because I take my medication every day to stop that sort of thing from happening.  

    You can get em booth by visiting the fine folks at booth #208 at New York Comic Con or by going online right now to

Peter Kato for New York Comic Con

    I've been wondering what happened to this guy.   Peter Kato is making his return to the toy world at New York Comic Con with some really different pieces that what we were used to seeing from him.  Different in a good way, not like when someone asks you what you think of their new tattoo and you say "well, that's different" because that's the nicest thing you can think of while concentrating really hard to make it look like you're not gonna puke.  Do your research people, just cause someone does tattoos doesn't mean they do them well.  That is my public service announcement for today.

    Check out this Mole Tank dude.  Peter has really upped his game with this guy.  There will be two different versions available.  The one up top there is an exclusive to Toy Tokyo and is limited to 12 pieces for $30 each.  The one you see below will be available through Peter's web store and at the Onell Design booth on Saturday from 4-7pm and Sunday from 1-5pm.

    These guys look too cute to go into battle.  But maybe that's the Army Jack's secret weapon, the distract you with their adorableness and before you know if they have you locked up in Guantanamo Bay.  Each 1 inch figure is only $5, so you could build a literal army of them if you wanted to.  

    But why have an army is you have no one to do battle with?  So you're gonna need some of these Tako-Terriansto protect the earth from.  They will be $10 each at the show and online.  

    There will also be these linocut prints in an edition of 15 for $5 each and these buttons for $1 each that will be available when re-opens this Thursday, October 10th.  

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Kidrobot at New York Comic Con

    Do you remember when Kidrobot caused such a commotion at last year's New York Comic Con with the release of that RSIN Dunny that they pretty much brought their entire side of the convention center to a halt?  I do cause I was there, knee deep in it man.  Those are the kinda risks I take to have awesome stories to tell you.  Actually, when the whole thing went down I was in line at the bathroom, but I was totally in the proximity of people that had been there and were talking about it and I listened in.  I really really had to pee.  

    Kidrobot will be there once again and they are bringing two new releases along with a couple that are gonna look mighty familiar to folks.  The two new ones are the black version of Day of the Dead Homer and a gold Ryu figure from their Street Fighter Series.  

    And here are the other two.  They are the exclusives that they had with them in San Diego.  Hmmmmmmmmmmm.  I bought both retailer versions of these guys already, so I don't feel the need to buy these, but some people are kinda mad about it.  I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed that there won't be another 3 inch release like last year that caused so much fuss.  I know they're focusing a lot of energy on the Dunny Evolved series which comes out the day the convention starts, but it's always nice to have something that's special and just for the people that were able to go.  I do love both of these designs, and I own the Labbit (in a different color scheme) and the Dunny (the elephant version) but that being said their lack of freshness doesn't make me clamor to get them.  Certainly if I had never seen them before I would have to own them both, but I'm not feeling that sense of urgency.  Completists will be excited, but I have to stretch my cash as far as possible these days, so I don't really buy the different colorways of the same figure anymore.  Maybe this is more of a statement about where my collecting habits have shifted than the decision of a company to utilize the same figures (on their two most popular platforms) as exclusives at two conventions.  I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts.  

    They will have a butt ton of signings though that will make even the most jaded collector happy.  Check out the list below:

You Want More Suburban Vinyl NYCC Exclusives? You Got Em!

     I'm exhausted trying to keep up with the flood of New York Comic Con exclusives.  I'm gonna need a vacation after all of this to let my brain heal.  Suburban Vinyl is trying to break a Guiness world record with all of these toys that you won't be able to find anywhere else, so let's see some more of what they'll have available.

    They say that one is the loneliest number.  It's also the most limited anything can be without it not existing at all.  You are a true toy pimp if you have a one of a kind item in your collection, cause when you die you could have that sucker buried with you and no one else will ever be able to own it.  I would totally have someone take a picture of me with it in my coffin and then post it on every message board they could, just so it would infuriate everyone.  And then hopefully someone would dig me up just to get it, and I would be holding a sign that says "Sucker" and the toy would be hidden away somewhere, prompting an Indiana Jones-type adventure.  That will be my legacy.  

   Maybe the wild chase will involve one of these customs from Mechavirus.  Only one of each exists in the whole wide world.  The Ammonaito that you see up there will be $150 and the RAOH you see below will be $375.

    Look how cute these little Vampire Droplets are from Nemo.  He made 10 of these precious little drops of blood in each color that you see here.  The red and green will be $50 while the glow in the dark will be $30.  

    These, however, are not cute.  They scare me a little.  How do I know you're just hear to do a bit of painting and not to steal my soul and eat it for lunch?  I don't know and that's why you will not be allowed in to help me redecorate.  This is why I never answer ads on Craigslist for professional folks, cause you always end up with some creepy druids that swear they know what's wrong with your washing machine.  Nemo made 5 of each colorway of these and they will be $175 each.  

    JFury has two more resin creations lined up for this year's con.  Five of the Blue Stuff Lonely Yeti and 5 of the Pond Scum Pumpkin Edition are waiting to adorn your shelves for $35 and $45 respectively.  

    There's much more coming, I'm just trying to digest it all in little bites so I don't choke.  Safety first my friends.