Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Leatherface 1/6th Scale Figure from threezero

    I've been into horror movies since I was a kid and in the spirit of Halloween I've been revisiting a lot of them with my wife.  Many of them are new to her because they were never really her thing, and watching them anew with her has given me a different perspective on a lot of them.  Even though some feature now iconic characters, the films themselves are not always that great.  Some are campy by accident, some on purpose, but as far as an actual scare factor most fall short.  That is, except for The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.  I chalk it up to the way that it was filmed; like some gritty, horrible home movie that no one was ever intended to revisit.  The scenario is realistic enough that it makes you think twice before stopping in any town where the population is advertised as less than five hundred.  I'm beyond not interested in helping a family of cannibals achieve their food pyramid goals.

    The film looks real, so it only makes sense that threezero would put their famous attention to detail to work when recreating Leatherface.  Available for preorder now as an eerie 1/6th scale collectible figure, their online store has two versions for you to choose from.  There's the standard edition, which will still make your guests very uncomfortable when they come to visit, and their exclusive web edition which comes with extra accessories.  


Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Halloween Releases from Jermaine Rogers

     There's nothing like a graphic that comes prepared with every bit of info you could need about  new stuff.  At this point Jermaine Rogers has done all of the work to tell you about his Halloween releases, so I could just phone the rest of this in and go do other stuff.  I have trash that needs to be taken out that has developed an aroma unique of it's individual components.  There are always litter boxes to scoop, tumble weed-like hair clumps to sweep up, or my favorite past time of sitting in the shower and trying to come to terms with the fact that I have to go to work.  The hot water never lasts as long as my uncertainty.  So yes, while Jermaine Rogers has told you about both glow in the dark pins and even informed you about his glow in the dark resin figure, all of which will be available at 3pm eastern time today exclusively from, I still feel it is my duty to "spice" it up a bit, lest I be accused of taking the easy way out.  So here ya go:

    I'll chalk this one up as a success.  

Friday, October 27, 2017

Black Light Purple Baphomaniac from Martin Ontiveros x Toy Art Gallery

    "Whatcha gonna do brother,when Baphomania runs wild on you?"  No, seriously though, what would you do?  You think I was just asking that question because I love to partake in gimmick infringement and collect cease and desist letters?  Cause I don't.  I am worried about you and I don't want some evil entity catching you on the sneak and entering your body with bad intentions.  So here's some helpful tips to help you avoid demonic possession:

- Avoid all abandoned houses unless it is in broad daylight and you are with a priest.  With a gun.

- Avoid reading books that are bound in human skin.  Even though Amazon may offer then at unheard of prices, that free two day shipping just means you'll be in the Devil's clutches that much sooner.

- Listen to Taylor Swift songs repeatedly.  Demons may be evil, but they can only put up with so much.  I'll retract this statement if Ms. Swift were to sing me the Arby's menu in it's entirety.  The ball's in your court, blondie.  

  The life I save may be your own.

    If you were to invite forces of darkness into your life how about with something like this Baphomaniac figure from Martin Ontiveros and Toy Art Gallery.  Way safer than any relics dug up in the Middle East, this bro will bring delight/curses to all who touch his shiny vinyl exterior.  Available today (Friday, October 27) at noon pacific time for $80 exclusively thorough

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Acid Green 18 Inch Aliens Warrior from Super7

    Halloween isn't just about turning your lights off and pretending not to be home to prevent freeloaders from taking all of your snacks.   Nope, it's also about treating yourself to some new toys to make you forget about your seasonal depression and the ball of snot that has lodged itself in your head until spring.  Super7 is making it look a whole lot more like Christmas with this Acid Green Alien Warrior figure.  Standing 18 inches tall, this plastic beast will be going on sale Halloween day through and their retail locations.   Tell the neighborhood kids to get jobs and buy yourself this instead of candy.  

Misfits ReAction Figures from Super7

    I haven't used this picture in a while to describe a toy, so let's dust it off and let it express how I feel about these:

   That's right folks, these Misfits ReAction figures from Super7 have warranted the coveted and desperately cute hungry otter meme.  I give it out sparingly to prevent it from losing that wow factor, but here it is describing my feelings perfectly.  Thanks little buddy, I hope you were able to get the ice cream sandwich of your dreams.  Unless they're not good for otters, then I hope he was able to be given a just as delicious substitute.   

     This Halloween you can snag both versions of this epic collaboration when they go on sale at and at their retail locations.  Now if only they'd play a reunion show in Philadelphia, all would be right in the world.  

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Veg-A-Bow Wooden Figure from Cameron Tiede

    I need one of these little dudes to keep at work for when I have to deal with unreasonable people.  When someone starts going off the deep end like it's the first time they've ever left the house, I'll just pull this guy out of a drawer, set him down in front of them, and wait.  I don't believe that anyone can continue to be hateful when confronted with that face.  If you can then there's little hope for you and you should proceed to the nearest cave to live out your existence.

    May I present to you Veg-A-Bow, the happiest little wooden figure you ever did see.  Sprung from the mind of Cameron Tiede, she comes with a print so you get a double dose of cuteness and is even articulated at the neck via a magnet.  This toy is sunshine and you need it in your life.   Get one now by visiting

Monday, October 23, 2017

Dragonfly 2.0 from Argonaut Resins

    A few days ago I was sitting in the break room enjoying my lunch when a huge flying ant decided to pay me a visit.  He was flying around me trying to determine a good place to land when a coworker decided the need for coffee was much greater than my need to not be around them for 30 minutes.  She comes in and points out the presence of the insect and the next thing to happen I couldn't replicate if I have a thousand attempts to do so.  I put my sandwich down, raise one hand, and just like if we had practiced it for months the little dude landed on my finger (and the entire time I never broke eye contact with her.  My coworker not the ant).  I lower him to the table and proclaim that his name is Mitch and we are already the best of friends.  Then I let him outside and a bird probably ate him or something, but the point of the story is that I made a beautifully timed connection with a bug and it freaked out my coworker which was fun for me.

    Argonaut Resins is all about trying to make you a bug whisperer with his Dragonfly 2.0 release.   Sequels can be hit or miss but these guys don't look like they'll let you down once you've invested in their back story.  These debut tonight (October 23) at 9pm eastern time through  There will be 25 different iterations in this first wave, which according to the metric system is the exact number it takes to make a swarm.