Friday, May 15, 2015

Super Series Sunday's Returns to Tenacious Toys with the "Bearrito" from Diehm Studios

    I love it whenever there is a bear sighting where I live because people lose their minds.  The news will come out, kids will stay home from school, and people will line the streets with their cell phones trying to get a good picture for Instagram.  Meanwhile the poor bear was just looking to dig through some trash and now is gonna end up with a tranquilizer dart in its butt.  After a short nap the now famous bear ends up in a place it doesn't recognize all because that Chinese takeout someone threw away smelled really good.  It's like the poor creature went on a date with a frat guy.

   If a bear dressed as a giant burrito maybe we would think it was just clever advertising for a Mexican restaraunt and leave it be.  Then he'd have unlimited access to all the garbage bins and small children he could stomach.  It's a win-win for everyone!

    This Sunday Tenacious Toys will be unleashing their newest exclusive, the Atomic Blue Corn Bearrito from Diehm Studios.  He's 2 inches of spicy fury and will be made to order, giving you exactly one week to pull the trigger and get one for your collection.  This dude goes live at 8pm eastern time and the window for ordering closes on May 24th.  Pick yours up here.  

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Sawyer 1/6 Scale Figure from 3A Available Now

        I know everyone is all excited about the new Mad Max movie, but the whole post-apocalyptic thing just doesn't work for me. I get that the apocalypse is pretty devastating, but there's always tons of people in these films and yet none of them are apparently skilled in the building trades.  In Mad Max they drive these wild armored cars, yet why do they not put any effort into building apartment complexes?  Questions like that just nag me throughout so I don't even bother watching films like that most of the time.   And there looks to be a serious lack of deodorant, which is something we should probably start prepping for now.  Screw the zombies, let's keep the remaining folks smelling good and confident in their freshness.  That's how you rebuild infrastructure.

    The world of Sawyer and Beaver Industries doesn't seem to be nearly as grim as Mad Max, but depending on what secrets the company is hiding in their massive facility, that situation could rapidly change.  Sawyer is conducting her own investigation into the mysterious place she works, and what she uncovers could change everything.  Sounds interesting to me!  Not only does the story seem cool, but the characters have a really unique look to them courtesy of Crystal Jade Vaughn.  Everything she does compels you to want to know more about the characters she creates.  Just from looking at the pictures online you get such a great sense of the personality that this figure possesses.

    She is available for preorder right now over at

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Mariposa Butterflies Debut Tonight from Argonaut Resins

    Argonaut Resins is going through changes.  Not like Bruce Jenner level changes, cause that would be weird to write about, but changes of a much different and less invasive sort.  For one, Argonaut Resins will soon be known as Tuttz World.  And secondly, they will not be producing figures for other artists but focusing on the multitude of critters that inhabit the world of the Tuttz.  You'll have the ability to experience a new line of figures from a project entitled "Mariposa" when these Butterflies go on sale later tonight.  These resin creatures feature interchangeable wings, so you can mix and match them depending on how many you own.   Your first opportunity to call one of them your own will happen at 9pm eastern time at      Oh and that first picture you see above is one of the chase Dragonflies that will also be available.  

Monday, May 11, 2015

Win a Joker Labbit from Frank Kozik x Kidrobot

    Sadly, Labbit Appreciation Week came to an end a few days ago, but you can still celebrate by winning this sweet 7 inch Joker Labbit from Frank Kozik and Kidrobot.  Log onto your Instagram account right now, do what the picture says, and you're entered to win.  I'm even gonna ship it to you for free, which is pretty awesome cause I'm notoriously cheap.  Why should I pay a doctor when Youtube is chock full of informative videos for all your surgical needs?  Hell, people survived the Civil War with less medical knowledge than we have access to today on our smart phones.  I got this.  

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Worship the Little Fuzzy Bunny Overlords!!! A Review of the Cute and Crazy Labbits from Frank Kozik x Kidrobot

  I'm getting a little misty over here, as this is the last review I'll be posting for Labbit Appreciation Week.  Not to say that it's completely over because I am doing a giveaway for a Joker Labbit.  If you don't have an Instagram account yet, now would be the perfect time to get yourself one sucka cause you're gonna need it to enter.  And you should have one anyway cause there's crazy stuff going on there that you're missing out on.  Like cat pictures, and butt pictures. Cats on butts, butts near cats, even cat butts.  It's the perfect app!!!

   Our last review of this epic week will focus on the Cute and Crazy mini plush series.  These things are great, cause not only are they small and adorable and look like Freddie Mercury but they come packaged in window boxes.  That means you can pick the ones you want without playing the blind box gamble.


    Look at how freakin cute these are!!!  These are for when you need your plush Labbits, but the at-home models just aren't practical for your situation.  Portability in your snuggle critters is a key feature that these guys have loads of.  A bungee cord sprouting from their backs means you can hang em just about anywhere you need.  Let's see some examples from my own life:

No cop would dare give you a ticket with something so adorable hanging from your rearview mirror.  

So you severed your hand in a machine that costs more than you make in two years?  Give this little guy a squeeze and bring a smile back to your face!

There's no reason to panic when a Labbit with a mustache and shiny underwear is near.  Now take a deep breath and wash those shards of plastic from your eye!

     When Sharon and I were opening these dudes we caused a frenzy among our feline living companions which got me thinking.  If you were to remove the cord and stuff em with cat nip you'd have some perfect cat toys!  Kidrobot could invade a previously untapped market for designer toys by making ones specifically for your pet.  God knows someone needs to design a better cat condo, cause I just can't accept one of those in my life.  I know my cats would love one, but they make me sad to look at.  And I've tried, I really have, but I'll never get past how hideous they are.

Pick up a few now at and wherever designer toys are sold.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Cue the Rocky Theme, Cause I'm Feeling Like a Champ Reviewing the Batman Labbit from Frank Kozik x Kidrobot

    We made it, folks!!!!  Originally the plan was to do five reviews in five days, but I think we should go bigger.  This is Labbit Appreciation Week after all, so I'm using the last bit of gas in my tank to do SIX reviews in SIX days!!!!  I know, it's pretty nuts.  This is like Evel Knievel jumping the Snake River, except I'm gonna land safely on the other side, thrust my fists in the air, and get my face on a commemorative plate.   And we're gonna do a giveaway on Instagram to celebrate all the fun we've had this week.  More about that later on though.

    Uh oh, it looks like Batman has pulled The Joker's card, and being that I've heard an N.W.A. song or two in my day, I know that means bad news for a certain clown.  This isn't Adam West's Batman folks; this is the gritty, unshaven vigilante that Christian Bale and Christopher Nolan made so popular.  The Dark Knight indeed!!

    This dude is the perfect companion piece to The Joker that I reviewed earlier in the week, and where the former shined with subtlety, the latter is killing it with tons of printed details.  Lots of black shadows and a fully stocked utility belt really bring the character to life.  Like The Joker there is no sculpting on this Labbit, which really serves to give it more of a comic book feel.  It also speaks to how great the art is that I don't miss the 3D aspects that we've come to expect in recent releases. Though he does come with a removable cloth cape, which after I took the photos I decided to put in a drawer because we have a cat that would see that as an appetizer.  He's already had to have a shirt sleeve removed from his gut, so his trustworthiness around any sort of fabric is less than none.  

With cape.


    Do I love it?  Yes, yes I do.  I'm a sucker for anything Batman, but especially when it's presented in such a unique way.  It's the perfect marriage of a well-known license and a designer toy.

Na na na na na na na na na na na na bat butt.

   The caped crusader is available right now at and wherever designer toys are sold.  

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Before I Take A Nap on These, Let's Review Happy Labbit Plushies from Frank Kozik x Kidrobot

  We made it to day 4 of Labbit Appreciation Week!  If we do this again next year I'm gonna have to start training early cause all this appreciating has tested my stamina.  Labbit Appreciation Week is a marathon, not a sprint, but I just get too excited.  Luckily the only thing I have to do today is get a haircut, and I'm pretty sure I can get some sleep while that's going on without any risk to my personal safety.

    I'm a bit jealous of these Labbits cause they have some pretty wicked beards going on.  I can grow a mean mustache and I have ample coverage on my chin, but my mutton chop game is weak.  I wanna go full lumberjack but no matter how hard I will my follicles to cooperate, they're just kinda lazy.

I feel your pain, bro.

    What I love about these things is that they're so freakin soft that they almost completely calm the fires that rage inside me.  Are they shaving chinchillas to make these things?  Seriously, these could be great anger management tools.   When you're at work and you're at the point that you want to beat one of your coworkers to death when they can't do simple math (someone's elementary school dropped the ball) just grab one of these guys, squeeze it next you your face, no watch your anger slowly melt away as the bearded bunny works his magic.  You'll be whisked to a magic land of tranquility, where the air smells like baked goods and the streets FLOW WITH THE BLOOD OF PEOPLE WHO DONT UNDERSTAND HOW TO DO ADDITION OR SUBTRACTION AND THUS MAKE YOUR JOB HARDER THAN IT HAS TO BE!!!!!  Sometimes you need more than one Labbit to effectively calm your nerves.

I think it's starting to work. 

    Like their bretheren I wrote about yesterday, these don't come with that troublesome hang tag and are instead packed in a nice cardboard thingy that easily detaches from the toy for maximum snuggle capability.  And you might be worried that these are some of those annoying hipsters you see hanging out at the bookstore like some really depressing gang that dresses in their grandfather's old clothes, but I can assure you after spending time with them that they are not.  Not one of them owns a typewriter, let alone taken it to Central Park.  The only vinyl records any of them owned were the Iron Maiden reissue picture disks and that's because once hung on the wall they really tied the whole living room together.  And they are kinda partial to hanging out in the woods, but not so they can craft a zine about how we are living in an existential void supported by rampant consumerism.  No, they're looking for skulls.


Big Skulls.

To make lamps.  

Get your snuggle on at and wherever designer toys are sold.