Thursday, June 18, 2020

Baby Haruo Nakajima Custom Lottery from Plaseebo

    I don't have any kids and never really felt the need to, though I could be easily persuaded to change my mind if it could be guaranteed that this is how they would come out.  I would happily build an army of Godzilla babies and change my name to Christopher Targaryen, Bringer of Woe, Father of Lizard Children.  And it may not be that far fetched, as a place I used to work had a microwave in the back room that was at waist level and had a hole in the door.  Not that I ever used it, because honestly it was gross, but I'm sure some radiation lingered from everyone else warming their Hot Pockets and salisbury steaks.

   This may be the closest I come to realizing my new dream of having a Godzilla baby, and I don't think it could have come from anyone else other than Plaseebo.  His work is deeply rooted in a more psychological horror rather than relying on just being gross.  There's a subtle (and sometimes not so subtle) feeling of unease that his pieces evoke, while at the same time being utterly fascinating to look at.  This one of a kind figure is no exception, and for the chance to add him to your collection, this is what you have to do:
To enter lottery, please send the following to: 

1.  Name

2.  Shipping Address 

3.  Country

4.  Telephone Number

5.  PayPal Email Address

6.  Instagram ID

Lottery winner will receive notification email by June 22nd. Figure will ship upon receipt of payment due by June 23rd.

This nine inch monster baby will be $650 plus shipping to whoever is lucky enough to win.  You only have until Sunday June 21st to enter.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

The Sucklord Got Arrested Accessory Pack for Charity

    Of course The Sucklord would come up with the most unique item to auction for charity.  Beyond being something that is surely interesting, it might be one of the most compelling pieces of protest art I've seen in recent memory.  It's raw and poignant and irreverent and uncomfortable which is everything great art should be.

   The story behind it is that while participating in a peaceful protest, The Sucklord was attacked by a police officer and required hospitalization before his arrest.  The reason he wasn't more seriously injured is because another officer stepped in and stopped his colleague from continuing the assault.  This collection documents what it takes to enact social change in our country, which we have seen happen on different levels in response.  It's something different from someone who is known more for his tongue firmly planted in cheek approach to art, but also something I could see as hanging in a museum one day as an important statement of social change.

    If you want to own this grouping or artifacts, you need to head to this link and place your bid on eBay.  One hundred percent of the proceeds are being donated to the Brooklyn Bail Fund to help out people that find themselves in the same situation.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Metallic Burst Ushi-Oni from Guumon x Cereal Box Toys

     A few days ago while I was at work I was sitting across the desk from a customer when I just so happen to notice something dangling above her head.  This little furry spider had descended on a thread like an art thief breaking into a museum.  He hung there momentarily before dropping into her hair and nearly disappearing from sight. I had two options here:  I could say nothing and let the spider could go about his business, possibly unknown to the woman (she had a lot of curly hair) or I could remove the little guy myself, ensuring he would live on without fear of being mangled by a hairbrush.  I chose option number two.  I told her to hold still for a second, reached in and plucked the curious arachnid out.  She looked at me like I was completely crazy until I opened my hand to show her what it was, at which time I was pretty sure she was going to pay off the balance of my car loan as thanks.  I let the spider go and and everyone lived happily ever after.

   Had my spider friend been the size or had the looks of Ushi-Oni from Cereal Box Toys he would have been free to do with her what he wished.  I don't mess with supernatural arachnids as a general rule and being that I'm still alive I'd say I've prove its merit.  World famous vinyl artist Guumon has added his signature metallic/oil slick paint job to a limited run of five of these and the only way to own one is via lottery system.  Starting tomorrow (Thursday June 11) until Sunday June 14 you can enter by sliding into Guumon's DMs on Instagram here.  They will be $250 in the US, $275 everywhere else, which includes shipping.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Ghost Grey Skellene Sofubi from Miscreation Toys x Lulubell Toys

    At this point in 2020 if I were to step outside my home and see hundreds of these walking around my neighborhood I wouldnt even be surprised.  And frankly, they're better than the Jehovah's Witnesses who decide that during the pandemic would be a great time to magnetically affix literature underneath the driver's side door handle of everyone's cars.  I'm still not about having to touch anything I can avoid, so being forced to remove it from my car before going to work was an added irritation I didn't need.  I suppose the virus forced everyone to innovate, and it was smart to do under the cover of darkness,  but come on.  Had to throw out my favorite pair of bbq tongs after that.

    If you were ever nervous about inviting a small ghost into your house, this year seems like the one to throw caution to the wind.  And Skellene looks extra spooky in this grey smoke vinyl.   Miscreation Toys and Lulubell Toys are offering this version as a special preorder edition, but you only have until May 30th at 5pm pst or until the cap of 25 pieces is reached.  Each figure stands approximately 12 inches tall,  retails for $175 plus shipping, and can be had now by visiting

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Love Finn Universe Street Party Float from Kaize Toys x Cop A Squat Toys

   Lawd have mercy these are the toys we need right now.  These guys got all the happy juices flowing in my brain in a way that doesn't normally happen without a doctor's prescription.  Yeah, mostly I'm into monsters and dead things and and spooky stuff but there's something about brightly colored elephants in cars that hits me just the right way.  They make a day full of conference calls on Zoom feel way less like amateur dental surgery.

     I always dig the work of Cop a Squat Toys and that includes what he does to toys that aren't his, including these from Kaize Toys.  Obviously you want these, so now I'm gonna tell you how to get one:

Love Finn Lottery Info Open now until Friday May 29th noon EST

 * $130 plus shipping (USPS Priority)

* US only

* 1 entry per person please

Email the following info to

 * Real name
 * IG name
 * PayPal address
 * Shipping address
* Which paint app you prefer (Green or Yellow head)

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Warm Thoughts Polystone Statue from Death & Milk x Mighty Jaxx

    Well this is different.  I tease my wife all the time about taking her to the Pocanos and staying in one of those theme hotel rooms with the giant martini glass bathtubs and heart shaped beds.  I'm not sure who convinced so many people that particular configuration was the height of elegance, but they're still around today.  Martini bathtubs aside, my favorite place in the Poconos to visit is this little roadside zoo that has a cobra on display that killed its owner, who was one of those venomous snake collectors you sometimes read about when bad things happen.  Murder Cobra is so damn aggressive you can only view him through tiny peepholes otherwise he would just try and kill everyone who walks by.  Maybe he's just pissed that no one ever took him on a couple's retreat in one of those hotels that he knows is only slithering distance away. 

    Now of there were giant skull tubs I would have no problem convincing my wife that a weekend getaway was in order.  I applaud Mighty Jaxx for teaming with Death & Milk to create something that's truly interesting to look at.  A lot of times the "art" aspect of art toys gets forgotten about in exchange for recycled ideas that are safe bets in terms of sales.  I am starving for a story and just looking at this, without knowing anything about it, you can tell there's more to it than just looking cool.  There's obviously a larger narrative, which is refreshing to see. 

    This polystone statue stands 8 inches tall and retails for $219 with free worldwide shipping.  They're available now at

Friday, May 15, 2020

The Many Headed Hag Preorder from John Kenn Mortensen x Unbox Industries

    With a name like "The Many Headed Hag" most of you probably think I'm going to make a joke about your mom.  Despite thinking that would be hilarious, it is rather low hanging fruit, and I'd like to think I have the maturity to rise above such things.  And even though I'd like to think it I'M COMPLETELY WRONG BECAUSE YOU KNOW WHO ELSE IS A MANY HEADED HAG? YOUR MOM!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.  

    I'm embarrassed for myself,  but despite having a name that resembles your mom, this figure from John Kenn Mortensen and Unbox Industries is something I would actually allow in my house...UNLIKE YOUR MOM!!!!! HAHAHAHA..I'm good...I'm good.  This thing is a nightmarish thing of beauty that will bring hours of terror and wonder to all who own one.  Standing nearly 10 inches tall this vinyl sculpture will go up for preorder beginning tomorrow (Saturday, May 16th) for $100.  They'll be available exclusively from