Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Tamashii Nations S.H. Figuarts Action Figures from WWE

    When I was a kid, the only wrestling toys we had were these giant rubber dudes with zero articulation and their only move consisted of banging into each other.  There was also a ring you could buy which added such exciting moves as "bouncing off the ropes to bang into each other" and "flying off the top rope to bang into each other."  It was the least amount of action in any figure ever.   Fast forward to the present and things have changed quite a bit, though I doubt anyone is going to let their kids play with these.  

    Tamashii Nations has added the WWE to their line of S. H. Figuarts action figures and the results are pretty awesome.  Featuring a mind blowing 30 points of articulation and interchangeable parts, each figure can not only perform all of the classic finishing moves you love, but do them with impeccable style.  Bluefin has made these available in North America and right now you can relive the famous rivalry of Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Rock.  Hit the People's Elbow, land a Stone Cold Stunner, or just have them cut awesome promos on each other (awesome promos not included).  And later this week you can add Triple H to the mix because you know Vince McMahon loves a triple threat match whenever he can get one.  The Undertaker and Kane will be available starting in July, giving you nearly enough to plan out your own Royal Rumble.  Pick em up now over at Ringside Collectibles


Tuesday, March 21, 2017

We're Number 1.....Well Actually We're Number 69!

     Feedspot recently announced the top 100 toy blogs in the entire world and guess who landed at the coveted spot of number 69?  That's right, we did.  And there has to be way more than 100 toy blogs on the planet I would assume, so even just making the list is pretty cool no matter where you fall on it.  Kidrobot's blog landed at number 28, which you may or may not know often features my ramblings about their latest releases.  And no, I did not collude with any foreign entities to up my position on the list and the Congressional hearings will serve to exonerate me of any wrong doings.  

    You can check out the rest of the top 100 by clicking here.  

Tuddy and Inklin Vinyl Figures from Annie Montgomerie x Unbox Industries

    There is no reason to keep making toys everyone, so you can all go home and focus on other endeavors, because the mic has been dropped and the mold broken.  Well, I hope the mold wasn't actually broken because a lot more of these beauties from Annie Montgomerie and Unbox Industries are gonna need to be made.  Now normally I'm not ok with animals having people hands and legs, but these two are just so dang adorable I'm not gonna let my hang ups stop me from loving em.  I would not be surprised if they emerged from my basement holding hands and singing a song about skipping our way to Narnia.  Actually that would surprise the hell out of me being that my crack team of attack cats study pro wrestling like it's their job, which it sort of is.  So let me rephrase:  I would not be surprised if my cats found these two roaming around the house, placed them both in the camel clutch, and made them state their business under penalty of a choke slam through a table.  After which we would of course skip to Narnia.

    Both will be available for preorder starting on March 25th until April 10th.  Each vinyl figure is hand painted to mimic Annie's original anthropomorphic creations in striking detail.  Get yours from

Friday, March 17, 2017

Paul Kaiju Solo Show at Stranger Factory


     I'll admit I know nothing about Albuquerque, New Mexico other than that's where Breaking Bad was filmed and it is also the location of Stranger Factory.  And it's the hardest city name to spell ever. You can not go into trying to type it lightly, as it will wreck every bit of confidence you have in your ability to arrange vowels and consonants like a sane person.  I'll be honest, it owned me pretty hard.

  If you happen to be in the Albuquerque area or have mad frequent flier miles and a day off from work, you should spend your Saturday at Stranger Factory to see Paul Kaiju's solo show.  And you don't have to just see it, you can also buy something super sick to bring home with you and dominate your toy shelves like a boss.  A really mean boss who spits on your union handbook and the guaranteed break times located within.  This show will easily sell out and you have to be present to purchase anything.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Eight Inch Anatomical Dunny from Jason Freeny x Kidrobot


    Let me tell you something.  I've had this toy in my hands for a few days now and it is the greatest Dunny ever made.  There, I've said it and if I had a rock tablet, a hammer, and a chisel I'd preserve that opinion for future generations to come.  I remember seeing Jason Freeny's original artwork depicting this guy and thought how cool it would be if they could actually make it.  Then Kidrobot enlisted the amazing production services of Bigshot Toyworks and the result is beyond my expectations.  Now I am a sucker for anything medical to begin with, as you can see right here with my new Dunny posing lovingly with an antique instrument used to explore your darkest of secrets (your butt):

    Look how awesome he looks!  Not that he would need much exploration because all of his bones and guts are on full display.  Could you imagine if people all of a sudden looked like this?  Like one morning we all woke up with transparent skin that exposed all of our insides to anyone who wanted to see them?  I feel like there could be some heavy social commentary there.

    This guy goes on sale this Friday (March 17th) and there are two different versions for you to collect:  the regular edition that I have and also a special glow in the dark version that is exclusive to and uber limited at only 200 pieces.  Don't sleep on this one because I'm predicting it's going to be insanely popular and you will seriously regret not having one when you out of the blue decide that collecting human skulls is gonna be your new thing.

I Spent My Sunday at a Horror Convention


    Horror conventions are a weird thing.  I like horror movies enough, but when you go to a convention you realize people live that as a life style.  There's an entire wardrobe that goes along with it, a required number of stickers that must cover the rear of your car, and an affinity for wet specimens that I'll never possess.  Sharon and I used to go to these more often, but they're pretty much the same thing every time and I always felt out of place because of my stellar credit score.  I just can't commit on that level to one genre of being, as I like to think I have a more diverse amount of interests than just watching fictional murders occur.  Wow, that sounds like a really weird thing to be into doesn't it?

    We went this time because it had been a few years and because we wanted to meet former WWE Superstar Lita, who may or may not have been my biggest crush in my late teenage years.  Lest you think I was just looking to gawk at a celebrity my younger self found attractive, Sharon was a big fan of hers as well.  We got there and went to see her right away, got a signed picture, shook her hand (which was pretty soft for a professional wrestler.  She must have a killer moisturizing routine) and giggled internally like little school girls.  Having accomplished our sole mission it was now time to peruse the various booths and be persuaded to part with our hard earned money.  Spoiler alert: we were not persuaded to part with our hard earned money.

   There were a few good set ups filled with new and vintage toys, but those were far outnumbered by the amount featuring bad taxidermy/the aforementioned wet specimens, and people who turn regular stuffed animals into weird zombie things.  Seriously, there is an entire underground industry where they make thrift store Care Bears into blood thirsty monsters.  A little paint, some Halloween prosthetics, and you've got the perfect gift for that hard to buy for member of the Manson family.

  We ditched the convention pretty quickly and did the thrift circuit on the way home.  At one stop I got a bit distracted by a crow who was yapping at us and proceeded to lock the keys in the car.  In the ignition.  While it was running.  In my defense crows and ravens are my favorite birds and I've had some fun interactions with them as they are very curious about humans.  This one called a few of his buddies over and if I didn't know better would have sworn they were laughing at me as I was on the phone with AAA.  I'm sure they were just being supportive.

    The only thing I bought, at a Goodwill directly after the car incident, was this plastic cat wall hanging thing, which I plan to paint in black metal style.  It was a $1 and called to me to be repurposed.

Ignore the price tag, cause this pretty kitty was on sale!

    In that same store we also witnessed something I have never experienced while thrifting.  An announcement was made over the loud speaker that merely said "household goods" and people started heading towards the back of the building.  A moment later two employees wheeled out some metal racks loaded with newly priced merchandise.  They parked them right in the middle of the floor then quickly got out of the way.  They barely made it to safety as people swarmed from all sides, grabbing whatever they could as if they were gold plated.  You know that scene in the new Mad Max where Immortal Joe turns on the waterfall and people lose it trying to fill their containers?  It was just like that but less reasonable.  Sharon got pushed by an elderly woman into a baby who probably started crying because he missed out on the busted rice cooker and not from any injury he sustained.  Probably.

    And thus our day was complete.  Ladies, be jealous that your man doesn't understand romantic dates the way I do.


Monday, March 13, 2017

GID Patron Saint of Halloween from Sam Heimer

    Our cat has been weirdly obsessed with all of our appliances recently.  He makes me nervous every time I start the dishwasher that I've locked him in there so I always double check it.  The top of the stove is his favorite place to hang out and today he tried to get into the microwave multiple times.  I think he's got some sort of ideas in his mind that they're going to help him develop super powers which will make us unable to stop him from going on the porch and trying to eat the plants.  His evil delusions of grandeur aren't necessarily on the scale of total world domination, but those plants have tormented him for too long and apparently need to be punished.  I'd rather he curse them from behind the safety of our living room window.

    He may not become the next Spider Man, but if he managed to get into the microwave he may just glow like this Patron Saint of Halloween from Sam Heimer.  Only 30 of these resin masterpieces exist and you can snag your very own tonight, Monday March 13th, at 8pm eastern time.  Snag one at

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Orange Bake-Kujira from Candie Bolton x Toy Art Gallery

    I'm typing this as I watch NXT and the crowd is completely dead.  I find it hard to enjoy a show when the crowd is library quiet, which makes me happy to live in the rather boisterous North East.  You go and see a show in Philadelphia and you don't know whether to watch the audience or the ring.  We're pretty notorious for our terrible behavior at sporting events but once you're there and a part of it you get addicted and need that energy to enjoy yourself.  Otherwise it's how I would imagine a James Taylor concert to be.

    This Bake-Kujira from Candie Bolton and Toy Art Gallery is looking quite nice in Philadelphia Flyers orange.  It's a beast of a figure standing 11 inches tall and the only way to obtain one is by winning a lottery.   You can enter beginning tomorrow, Friday March 10th through Tuesday the 14th via email at  If you're lucky and you win the purchase price is $150.  And only enter once because otherwise you'll be disqualified for being annoying.  Do you know how much of a dream it would be to kick people out of my place of business for being annoying?  I'd be broke, yet oddly satisfied.


Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Review Time Suckas: Metallic Skeletor Hikari from Funko x Tenacious Toys

   It's been a hot minute since I've done one of my patented world famous reviews so why not review a Hikari figure from Funko.  I've got a few Pops hanging around the homestead but I've never dabbled with their homages to Japanese vinyl, so when Benny from Tenacious Toys asked if I wanted to check one out my curiosity took over.  Behold the results of my investigative study featuring Skeletor.

    First and foremost while the box advertises the figure as Japanese vinyl, the tag hanging from the toy makes it clear that it is inspired by the popular medium in its hand made production and paint application rather than being exactly the same.  The plastic definitely feels similar to my sofubi figures, but I'm far from a scholar on producing toys so I have no idea whether or not they're using the same stuff your favorite artists are.

Product may contain up to 90% blood of thy enemies.  

    Now let's get to what's actually important:  is the toy cool or not.  As a collector I buy stuff based on how it looks and whether or not I like it, not how or where it's made.  You could make a toy out of recycled toilets as long as it looks awesome.  And I'll be honest with you, the Hikari style works better on some characters than others but I think this Skeletor is a win.  He translates well, possibly because he's monster-ish and fits with what I traditional think of as a Japanese toy.  And he looks tough enough to whoop He-Mans behind.  I mean, anyone with a fleshless skull for a head has got to be tough right?  You don't have to work that hard at it when you're bringing that to the table.

    He features three point of articulation located at his arms and neck, so he can point at you in accusatory fashion:

You both smelt it and dealt it.

Ask for hugs:

I'll be gentle.  

Turn and look at you sideways when you say something dumb:

Your opinion was not thoroughly researched.  

Wonder where the hell you're going when he tries to hug you:

I said I'd be gentle. 

    But does he have that one feature that is most important in all Masters of the Universe figures; that one element that proves their authenticity beyond any shadow of doubt?  Does he have a fuzzy pair of man panties?

    There you have it folks.  His butt is indeed covered with the finest of yak hair.  I could have just led with that and saved myself a whole bunch of typing.  

    In conclusion: I went into this not really knowing what to expect but came out of it with a greater appreciation for the product.  If I had hated it I would have told you because I have zero poker face, but it's honestly a cool figure at a price that won't make you have to choose between the collectibles you love and eating dinner for a week.  Again, not all of them are for me, but there are a few more I wouldn't kick out of bed if they found there way into my house.  I meant that exactly as it sounded.

     Tenacious Toys now has this and a bunch of other older Hikari figures at very affordable prices that make them great for customizing as well.  You can find Skeletor, Astro Boy, Optimus Prime, Creature from The Black Lagoon and a ton of others to add to your collection.  Check out the entire line at this link

The Debut of Dust Catcher Magazine

    Despite claims to the contrary, the printed word is not dead.  There's something about the feel of actual pages that you can flip and the weight of a work in your hands that can't be replicated by digital means.  And so Dust Catcher Magazine is set to debut tomorrow (Thursday, March 9th) having been printed by actual machines and mailed to your doorway.  It's an English language publication made in Germany that focuses on illustration, character design, and collectibles.  Two of the first artists to be featured, Elegab and Pepe Hiller, have even created exclusive toys to coincide with its release:

    These will be available starting at 11am eastern time from

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Micro Tuttz and Pharaoh Hounds from Argonaut Resins

   My wife and I have a pact that if one of us isn't home the other won't watch shows that we both love.  That leaves me with some pretty bad options, such as Tiny House Nation.  I like shows where they make things, so that parts cool, but I just can't get behind living in one of those.  The idea is noble, until you get the stomach flu and your significant other can't escape the horrors of it because the bathroom is in the living room which doubles as the kitchen/litter box.  Relationships need some mystery and a decent level of air quality.  And I freely admit that I love stuff way too much and would have a hard time limiting myself to what could fit in a hatch back.  Our walls are packed with art and there are things surrounding us that make us happy, so I can't see the benefit of saving money if you're trapped in what amounts to a hipster prison cell.  Now if there's a show out there that will build me a castle on a mountain with tons of wall space and a moat I would apply right now.

  Some things are ok in smaller versions though, like these Tuttz and Pharaoh Hounds from Argonaut Resins.  These little dudes are 3D printed in resin and perfectly sized to fit in the little nooks and crannies of your collection.  Check em out now over at and add some of these insanely affordable ($15 for 2 figures!!) critters to your regular sized house for grown people.

Friday, March 3, 2017

Aliens Warrior Classic Toy Edition from Super7

    On the tail of the trailer for the brand new Alien film and just a few weeks after debuting at Toy Fair, Super7 is making this big ol figure available for preorder.  I've racked my brain trying to think of something funny to say but I'm drawing a blank.  Have I lost my touch?  Is it time to start writing about high school football for the local newspaper?  Will we ever prove that Ted Cruz is in fact The Zodiac Killer?  The future looks cloudy, but if you want to own this eighteen inch behemoth of a toy you can do so by visiting  He'll set you back $195, but if money is truly the root of all evil you should be trying to rid yourself of it anyway.  After you buy one of these send me the rest of your tainted cash and I will dispose of it so it can't hurt anyone ever again.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Southern Fried Gentleman from Bigshot Toyworks

    Well I do declare, if it isn't everyone's favorite chicken man reimagined by Bigshot Toyworks.  No fried chicken lover should be without one of these figures paying homage to the ultimate poultry baron.  And just like everyone has their favorite recipe, there are different versions of this jolly fry daddy to meet your specific tastes.  You've got your regular, which is limited to 100 pieces and your uber rare old timey and golden crispy versions which are limited to 20 pieces each.  All three are available right now from  

Suck-Pop Gay Empire Pin from The Sucklord

    Not everything you want to do in life is practical.  For instance I'm never going to headline Wrestlemania and I've lightly come to terms with that.  And you are never going to be able to wear one of The Sucklord's resin figures on your jean jacket without having your mental stability questioned.  But fear not, because the always enterprising man behind the brand has solved that problem with this new enamel pin.  For a mere $13 you can take the essence of The Sucklord wherever you go.  Stick it right next to your Def Leppard patch and feel confident as you entire into any business meeting.  Pin it to your lunch box and make that peanut butter and jelly sandwich look like something Gordon Ramsey would punch a baby to eat.  Pierce your ear with it and learn all about infectious disease from your trip to the emergency room.  The possibilities are limited only by your imagination/pain threshold.  

Available now from

The Crimson Bust from ETC Toys

    Remember last year when everyone was so stoked on The Misfits reunion and they played two shows and then we all sat with bated breath hoping for a full blown tour?  Yeah, I remember.  What are they waiting for?  I've been patient and it doesn't seem like it's going to happen.  I found an interview Danzig did with The New York Times saying those two shows were it, but supposedly they're fake news so I choose to disbelieve it.  Let's make music great again, people!

    Maybe it's time to hold out hope for more practical things, like winning the lottery, but that doesn't mean we have to let it completely die.  ETC Toys has created a run of Crimson Busts in homage to the greatest punk band of all time and you can own one when they go on sale today, Wednesday March 1st.  Available only from in an edition of 5, these will go up at noon pacific time.  

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Geisha Tomorrow Queens from 3A

    I never understand why they would bother training attractive people to be assassins.  They are the least inconspicuous because everyone is always watching them.  If someone that looks like Heidi Klum walks into a room and kills someone, no matter how discreet it is, you will hear the most detailed eyewitness testimony in the history of the American judicial system.  You would think everyone was handed a script to read from.  That's because attractive folks always have other people staring at them, especially if someone was abnormally attractive like how Hollywood always casts these characters.  They couldn't sneak an extra puff pastry without everyone in the room knowing, let alone deliver a lethal dose of poison to an arms dealer.  

    All eyes would definitely be on these ladies from 3A, but they don't look like they're here to take the subtle approach to their business.  Not that you could anyway walking around with sticks like that.  Nope, once you commit to that sort of weapon you're going in melee style and taking down whoever gets in your way.  These 1/6th scale beauties will be available starting this Friday, March 3rd, from for $140 each.  

Monday, February 27, 2017

The Backpack Invisible Edition from Alex Pardee x Mighty Jaxx

   I'm a bit worries that this toy is based on something that can happen to me in real life.  That someday I'll be walking down the street and an evil imp will drop from a tree and latch on to my back like a barnacle.  Upon securing himself firmly to my central nervous system, he will then force me to follow Nickelback on tour all around the country and refuse to chip in for gas or the therapy I'll need after having to witness Nickelback play 28 times in a row.  You're lucky I'm here to help keep you safe by bringing awareness to such fictional issues.

    Alex Pardee resides in Florida, which is the state I would expect to have something like this happen.  After all they still have dinosaurs roaming around and everyone rides ATV's to work.  This is The Backpack, which like Human Centipede, is a name that seems to down play the seriousness of the affliction.

    This crystal clear edition was produced by Mighty Jaxx and is available right now by visiting  Study it and find the cure before it consumes us all!


Thursday, February 23, 2017

Glamour Girl Vase from Dita Von Teese


    Yeah so technically this isn't a toy, but it is a collectible and I want one so that's good enough for me to write about it.  You can be liberal like that when you're the boss. And speaking of bosses, the queen of burlesque Dita Von Teese has gotten into the ceramics game with this glamour girl vase.  Made in the style of the very collectible vintage editions, each one is not only beautiful but also utilitarian and can hold flowers, paint brushes, or your collection of restraining orders.  I would bet in her line of work you have to dole one out every once in a while just to let people know you're not playing around.

    Add some glamour to your collection (lord knows it could use some) today for $65 by visiting

New Work Available Now from Colin Christian

    Admit it, you need some glitter in your life.  You need some super sparkly things to hang on your wall but what you don't need is the unwritten rule of glitter, in that you will find bits and pieces of it everywhere for the rest of your life.  Put glitter on something just once and you will find it in your eyelids, on your cats, at your desk at work and anywhere else you can imagine.  Inviting glitter into your home in its raw form is like watching that tape from The Ring.  Glitter is the girl in the well in case you didn't see where I was going with that.

    Fear not though, because Colin Christian has ensured that any of the shiny stuff he uses in his beautiful sculptures will stay exactly where it's intended to.  And he has used quit a generous amount of it in his new work, all of which is available right now.  Seriously, put a spotlight on one of these and you'll be seeing those purple blobs every time you blink your eyes for at least a week and a half.  They are literally stealing light from other galaxies to reflect back at you in glorious fashion.   This is but a sample of the work he has up right now at  All of it is beyond affordable, so go and add some original art to your life.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

The Cybot Avengers from Buzzard Guts x DAMarx Toys

    Cosplay is a pretty strange thing to me, mostly because I can't figure out where people stash their wallets when they're only wearing spandex.  I could never dress up like that mostly because I would personally feel dumb and I wouldn't want people stopping me to ask for a picture all the time at conventions.  I'd be the grumpy guy with his body painted to look like a Thundercat and yelling about how "I don't appreciate people invading my privacy and all of the attention is really unwanted and could you please just leave me alone."  That would be funny to me.  

    My favorite part of cosplay that doesn't involve someone losing an eye when accidentally struck by a cardboard weapon is when people do clever mashups.  Taking a character and dropping him into an entirely different universe than his own is quite entertaining.  That same spirit can be seen in this bootleg series of figures from Buzzard Guts and DAMarx Toys.  They've taken a couple of droids from Star Wars and dressed them up to look like The Avengers and slapped em on some cards that are reminiscent of classic Marvel covers.  You can have one for $40 or the whole set for $150.  Only 5 whole sets were made and you can snag em this Friday, February 24th, at 7pm eastern time through  

Sushi Cars from tokidoki

     Which of these two scenarios do you find to be the most dangerous:  eating sushi that you bought from a gas station, or filling up a car made of sushi and speeding down the New Jersey Turnpike at 80 miles an hour?  Either one will most likely end in your demise, but the first one would be much slower and more painful in areas you didn't know could hurt so badly.  Go ahead and try to find such poignant discussion on any other toy site.  We're expanding minds here, people!

    A real life car made of raw fish and rice is probably not the best idea, but in the world of tokidoki it makes perfect sense.  You didn't expect an array of characters such as this to be putzing around in a Lincoln did you, especially not after those creepy Mathew McConaughey commercials.  Cute folks drive cute cars no matter if you can figure out how the mechanics would translate into the real world or not.  They don't need engines, because they are obviously powered by adorable.  

    These blind box speedsters are available now at and wherever designer toys are sold.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Foam Madballs from Kidrobot

    Does anyone else think of the stupid stuff they would do if they were ever rich?  I don't mean like hunting other human beings for sport on an island in the Pacific; I'm talking about non psychotic stuff.  I have been inspired by these foam Madballs from Kidrobot to fill an Olympic sized pool with them to create the ultimate ball pit.  And no, don't think you can come over and use it either, because this isn't some gimmicky pizza joint with a dancing rat where kids are peeing and pooping in there and spreading diseases the CDC can't even cure.  It's mine and I never want to have to worry about diving in and getting cholera all over me.

    I don't know how much it would cost to fill a giant pool with these, so I'm gonna start out with  large bowl and see where that takes me.  These throwbacks to the classic toy line are available right now at for $9.99 each.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Valentine's Suck Salon with The Sucklord

   I personally have never been to one of these Sucklord shindigs that all the cool cats are raving about, but a photo did leak from the last one that he held.  This is an exclusive look, brought to you through the hours a day I spend propagating fake news and alternative facts, of what his last gathering looked like:

    Dear God it's more intense than even my worldly mind could have conceived!  There's obviously jazz music playing in the background and just out of frame there would have to be the copious amounts of Mary Jane (that's what the kids call it) that inspired such illicit behavior.  If you're into such shenanigans and tomfoolery than I doubt you'd have anything wholesome planned on this Friday, February 17th when The Sucklord once again spits in the face of common decency for his next Suck Salon.  It will be packed full of rebellious youth, communist literature, and the debut one some Lavender Chrome injection molded figures:

    The shininess is intended to cloud your already twisted judgement.  Here's the details so you can ramp up your sign making and coordinate your protests:

Catzilla One of a Kind Figure from Plaseebo


     When Sharon and I lived in our first apartment we had a bunch of cats that would come by looking to be fed.  One was especially personable and we named him Fergus, for what reason I have no idea.  He would come by, stand on his hind legs, and peek into the windows to get our attention whenever he was hungry.  Sometimes he would follow us into the house which became increasingly uncomfortable, because every time we saw him he had a different ailment he was dealing with.  One day he was missing a chunk of his ear, another he had a dangly tooth poking out from his mouth; it was always something and always rather gross.  So one morning I'm leaving for work early in the morning and this black flash of fur darts past me when I open the front door and makes camp under our bed, where my unsuspecting wife is still asleep.  Now part of me wanted to leave the dude there and let my wife wake up to the kitty from Pet Semetary licking her face, but a bigger part of me wanted to stay married, so I evicted him back into the wilds of the cul-de-sac.  We tried on numerous occasions to get him to stay in the house so we could permanently adopt him but he wasn't having it.  I guess it would have cut into his MMA training regiment.

    Somehow, without any input from me, Plaseebo has perfectly captured the spirit of Fergus the Wounded (that's his Game of Thrones name) in his latest creation.  This one of a kind creation of course comes loaded with a color changing LED light that you may mistake for some angry demon soul trapped within it's throat:

    Scary stuff.  The Devil's kitten can be yours by visiting