Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Paul Kaiju Exclusives for DesignerCon

    Paul Kaiju has been posting tons of teasers for his DesignerCon exclusives and I'm over here just fiending for every one.  Seriously, he has outdone himself and there isn't a thing I wouldn't drop kick a stranger to own.  His booth #533 will involve two days of lotteries and you can see some of what is to be offered in these two photos.   And here is the schedule if you plan on purchasing anything:

Paul Kaiju Booth #533  Schedule
Saturday November 19th:

9:00am – 2:30pm: Free tickets available for Saturday Drawing
3:00pm: Random Drawing for Paul Kaiju Figures

Sunday November 20th:

10:00am – 1:30pm: Free tickets available for Sunday Drawing
2:00pm: Random Drawing for Paul Kaiju Figures

    But that isn't even all of it, no sir, because he's got even more releases at other booths.  Unbox Industries (booth #1021) The Sour Lemon (booth #1800) and Vinyl Goldmine (booth #623) will also have different items for sale.  Sadly, I will be working, but you go an have fun for me so I can live vicariously through your Instagram posts.

Vintage Inspired Skeletor and Beast Man Sofubi from Super7

    These are what I've been waiting for!  Not that I haven't enjoyed Super7's previous releases of Skeletor and Beast Man, it's just that these two are exactly like the figures I grew up with.  It's the perfect marriage of my interests as a kid and my interests now which is what makes them amazing.  I never get tired of a good nostalgia trip and any dude my age probably feels the same about these.

   Available starting tomorrow (Wednesday, November 16th) as a made-to-order presale, you have no excuse not to get them both.  Now whether you have an excuse to turn you flower beds into Eternia and wage epic warfare against He-Man is something you're on your own with.

Monday, November 14, 2016

The Debut of Apalala from Devil's Head Productions

    Winter is coming and I know this not just because Game of Thrones has beaten me about the head with the saying.  Nope, I know it because my drafty bedroom windows remind me at every sunset.  I would cover them with plastic sheeting but the cats like to sit there and make threats to the birds that hang out in the gutters.  So all they're gonna do is take their razor talons and cuts holes in big enough for them to crawl through, and the one that eats everything will digest the whatever strips he can manage to pull free.  It's just easier to turn the heat way up and get an extra blanket.

    This dude looks like something they'd keep out of Westeros with an ice wall.  This is Apalala, the latest figure from Devil's Head Productions, and he's one mean looking s.o.b.  There's a lottery happening right now for those interested in adding him to their collections (which should be everyone).  Here's what you have to do to be in the running:

To enter the lottery send an email to devilsheadquartersmail@gmail.com with "APALALA LOTTO" as the subject and your PayPal email address. Price is $140.00 shipped inside the USA and $180.00 shipped anywhere else. Winners announced and invoices sent first week of December.

Five Points Festival Tickets Are Now On Sale

    I was pretty excited when I heard about Five Points Fest.  It's like comic con, but it feels more curated and adult in that it's focusing on designer toys, comics, street art, and food.  And the key word there is "curated" because they're promising that there won't be table after table of selling the crap you can buy at Wal-Mart.  Kidrobot, Super7, Tenacious Toys, Lulubell Toys, and more have already signed on and it's also going to be the new home of The Designer Toy Awards.  Sounds good, right?  The event doesn't take place until May, but you can buy tickets for it right now.  VIP tickets even include an exclusive Dunny from Kidrobot and Gary Ham.  Don't be left out, get your tickets now at http://fivepointsfest.com.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Even More tokidoki XXRay Figures from Jason Freeny x Mighty Jaxx

    Oh I never claimed to know it all, and I didn't realize that all four of the tokidoki figures that
Jason Freeny dissected and Mighty Jaxx produced would be released at the same time.  Now you don't have to worry as to when you can complete your collection.  Just the click of a mouse, a credit card number, and BAM, they arrive at your door.  Not like, right away BAM, but soon thereafter, probably on a day that would have sucked big time otherwise had you not had a box of toys waiting for you on the porch.  Pick em up tomorrow, November 12th, from www.mightyjaxx.rocks.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Naomi Knaff's Resin Releases for DesignerCon

    Today in the United States we are deciding who it is we will collectively complain about as president for the next four years.  Every time a new election rolls around tons of us can be seen posting online that if our candidate doesn't win we're moving to Canada!  Well I hate to break it to you, but Canada doesn't want us.  Unless you have a highly sought after skill like being a nuclear engineer or professional moose wrestler, our neighbors to the north just aren't that interested.  And who can blame them, because we can be loud, and we rarely put the seat down when we're done in the bathroom.   I'm understand completely Canada, and I still love Tim Hortons and your clean cities, and your lack of violent crime.  

    Naomi Knaff just happens to be Canadian (see how I tied it all together there) and is making the trek from the Great White North all the way to California for next weekend's DesignerCon.  She'll have a load of her crazy resin creations with her, some of which you can see right here:

    And she'll be debuting a collaboration with Magitarius, which you can also see right here:

    When Lisa Frank has a nightmare do you think it looks something like these?  I bet it does.  You should visit Naomi at booth # 1015, but only if you want to own the most creative resin toys out there or if you're trying to get her to smuggle you across the border.  

Your Favorite tokidoki Characters Are Getting the XXRay Treatment from Jason Freeny x Mighty Jaxx

     Is there no toy safe from the intrusive blade of Jason Freeny?  His surgeon's blade has allowed him to take a childhood curiosity of an object's inner workings and transform it into a mad obsession with turning beloved characters into anatomical studies.  Actually, I think these are really cute and I'm just lamenting because my wife is a huge tokidoki fan and I know she's going to want these, which means I'm gonna have to start skipping meals or something.  Being a good husband is hard work.

    Mighty Jaxx will be releasing the first two figures in this collaboration on Saturday, November 12th through their website www.mightyjaxx.rocks.  If history is any indication these should be really affordable which is good for you fellow ballers on a budget, because like I mentioned before, these are merely the first two and more are on their way.  

Monday, November 7, 2016

Rotten Rex "Meat Marbled" Version from James Groman x Lulubell Toys

    I shouldn't be writing about this toy because it is making me hungry and I still have to go grocery shopping today.  Now I'm just gonna skip everything else I would have bought and go straight for the meat aisle and load my basket up with steak.  My wife makes this amazing steak with onion soup mix that will make you smack your grandma it's so good.  Don't try and sue me after you smack her either, cause I will lawyer up so fast you'll wish I didn't lawyer up so fast.

   You can own the only dinosaur I'ver ever thought might taste good during a two week open preorder happening right now through Lulubell Toys.  This monstrosity from James Groman stands 15 inches tall and doesn't look like he would take too kindly to any T-Rex arm jokes.  $250 will guarantee you one by visiting http://www.lulubelltoys.com.  

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Odyssey 2 from The Sucklord

    The Sucklord released two new figures this week, but one already sold out so there's no point in me making you fall in love with it just to break your heart the way Jenny did in third grade when she knew you liked her yet kissed Michael by the swing set any way.  I'm no Jenny.  So I'm going to tell you about the one still available for purchase called Odyssey 2.  This is in no way the bangin sequel to Homer's epic Greek tale that we will seemingly never get (Even though it takes Guns and Roses less time to record an album. Step it up, Homer!) but is in fact a tribute to classic video games of the past.  It harkens to a time when somehow people were able to have fun with two pixelated sticks and a ball that bounced back and forth and didn't need things like "sex" or "violence" in their video game systems.  Sounds boring.  

    Pick this dude up here and never forget how blessed you are to have grown up with Grand Theft Auto.  

Rise of Rudolph 3 Inch Dunny from Frank Kozik x Kidrobot

    I wrote an entire children's story about this new Dunny from Frank Kozik and Kidrobotwww.kidrobot.com for their website at blog.kidrobot.com so I was just going to tell you to go read that, which you should do anyway.  Seriously, your children will want you to read it to them before they go to bed each night because they deserve to hear the real truth about the North Pole industrial machine.  But then I just kept typing and now this has become more than just a post about a post; it has become it's own, standalone post that merely references a post, so in a sense it's like three posts yet only two.  No, seriously this all makes sense because I thought about it a lot.  And it's Guy Fawkes day, where British folks celebrate the dude who tried to blow up Parliament.  Did his moment of rebellion inspire more than plastic masks and a graphic novel and also light the fuse in everyone's favorite reindeer to stop taking Santa's crap?  Do you see how easy it is to connect all of these events and drive yourself mad with conspiracy theories?  Why are my cats starring at me like they're recording all of this?

    Celebrate Christmas the way it was intended by picking up this 3 inch Dunny now from Kidrobot.com and wherever designer toys are sold.  

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Kaiju Frankenstein from Nathan Hamill x Touma x 3DRetro

    This is what happens when you take those trips down to Mexico in an effort to save on plastic surgery.  There are many ways to become fiscally responsible, like cutting down on your visits to Starbucks, or hitchhiking wherever you need to go, but invasive medical procedures should be at the bottom of that list.  Along with cable television, because that is a necessity.

   Frankenstein's dueling personas aren't the result of a medical vacation in Tijuana though.  He's feeling a bit torn because he was created by two different folks.  Nathan Hamill designed one side, Touma the other and then 3DRetro slapped em together to create this conflicted looking monster.  Do you think they share one brain and always agree, or do you think that like conjoined twins they have their own personalities that fight to be unique?  Pick one up at www.3dretro.com for $49.99 and create your own narrative.  

Winter Reindeer: Night Stalker Edition from Andrew Bell x Gary Ham x Pobber Toys


    I have an entertainment center from Ikea that has been a pain in my rear since the day I bought it.  For one, it was the wrong color, which Sharon and I decided we would live with.  Then when we moved it somehow gained about 300 pounds since I put it together and nearly killed us both.  And the thing is so massive and holds so much stuff that it has made it an almost impossible task to replace.  We did swear an oath though that if we were to ever move again not only would we not take it with us, but that we would destroy it so it could not pass its evil onto others.  And by destroy it I mean carefully take the bolts out and even more carefully walk the pieces to the dumpster.  I'll be damned if it sends me to the emergency room in one final act of defiance.

   Let that be a lesson on how important it is to carefully select the things you use to display your treasures, for like an at-home haircut, it may be there longer than you bargained for.   Enter Pobber Toys.  They teamed up with Gary Ham to create the original version of this unique way to display your figures and now Andrew Bell has put his own spin on it.  This thing is nearly two and a half feet tall of resin and can be left the way he is or fully loaded with your favorite toys as seen here:

    You have from now until November 30th to preorder one of these things for $499 plus shipping and they are only making the amount that people order.  There will be no second chances, only massively crushing regret that will hinder you in the rest of your worldly pursuits if you don't get one.  Make the right decision by visiting http://pobber.bigcartel.com.

Monday, October 31, 2016

Stuffed 3 Inch Dunny Preorder from The Angry Artist

    Raw chicken and turkey are about the grossest things on the entire planet and I refuse to touch either.  I won't even touch it while it's safely wrapped in the package, that's how much I hate it.  I love it once it's cooked, but until that point I want to have absolutely no interaction with it.  If you have a venomous snake loose in your house, or if you need a someone to take a look at the dead thing you found feel free to call me.  But if your problem involves uncooked poultry I am not the man for the job and I feel no shame in telling you so.  

   The above paragraph has probably done its job in letting you know that I am no expert when it comes to preparing a bird, but I'm pretty sure I've never seen anyone season a turkey like this.  I haven't watched the Food Network in some time and it may be a new technique, but I feel comfortable in stating that there has to be a better way.  The Angry Artist has opened up preorders now for a run of custom Dunny's that have gotten a little too involved in the Thanksgiving festivities. There's always one in every family who just takes things over the edge (I'm looking at you, Uncle Ted).  They're limited to only 10 pieces and available for preorder right now at http://angryartist.storenvy.com.  

Vinyl Kittypillar Preorders from Casey Weldon x 3A

    I find it rather impossible to successfully clip my cat's nails and then I take them to the vet and the girls there are like the Lebron James of kitty claws and practically do it with their eyes closed.  Big chunks of talons go flying in the air and I can be nothing but impressed because I only manage to get a teensy bit clipped before they freak out and try to main me. Then they inevitably proceed to go to the stair or the couch and demonstrate how ineffective a job I did.  Little sociopaths. 

    Thank goodness Kittypillars aren't real, because for one I would need a house full and for two, that's a lot of extra nails to render your belongings worthless.  This toy is based on a series of paintings by Casey Weldon and has been brought into plastic being by 3A.  I saw the prototype at New York Comic Con and it is a thing of beauty to say the least.  There are two different versions up for preorder right now at http://www.bambalandstore.com and for $89 each they include free world wide shipping.  That's a damn bargain for something that will make you smile every time you look at it.  You sure can't say that about much.  

Saturday, October 29, 2016

The Backpack from Alex Pardee X Mighty Jaxx

    I have a cat named Jorah who likes to pounce on you and ride around on your shoulders when you aren't paying attention.  If you're lucky he jumps from somewhere high and lands squarely and sure footed.  If you're less lucky he will scale the back of your legs until he reaches his destination, leaving you with a trail of seeping claw marks along the way.  Sometimes I wonder if he sees himself as an evil genius a la Krang and I am just his monkey that he uses to do his bidding because I am taller and can reach the stuff he wants.  Sometimes I wonder if I overthink things.

    At least Jorah has never looked like he was going to bite my skull cap off.  Not like I would know anyway because we don't have room on our walls for silly things like mirrors, but this duo from Alex Pardee and Mighty Jaxx really puts his antics into perspective.  And their symbiotic relationship is still healthier than anything that's ever been on Dr. Phil.  Only 200 of these best pals were made and they are available right now for $120 at http://mightyjaxx.rocks.


Friday, October 28, 2016

1/6th Scale Michael Myers Figure from threezero

    Look, it's everyone's favorite murderous mute Mr. Michael Myers!  That was some crazy alliteration there, even by my standards.   I always dug the original Halloween and I liked the Rob Zombie versions too because they seemed plausible and that's what makes them scary.  Well, plausible in the fact that the dude escaped a mental institution and wants to kill all of his relatives, not so much in the fact that he can take six bullets to the chest and be totally cool with it.  You can only suspend disbelief to a certain point.  

   Not since William Shatner has anyone made a William Shatner mask look so frightening though, and threezero perfectly capture that in their latest 1/6th scale figure.  Look at those dead eyes staring right through you.  It's freaky.  And he comes with fun stabbing accessories which I'm sure you could put to good use on your sister's old Barbie collection.  Preorder him right now from http://www.threezerostore.com for $150 US dollars and get free shipping!  Just make sure you're alone when you open the box in case you scream cause I wouldn't want you to have to live with that shame the rest of your life.  

Halloween Honoo Cutie DX from Leecifer

    I have some advice from my youth for all you pyromaniacs out there:  don't stand too close to an open flame when you've just discovered grunge and insist on only wearing jeans that you strategically ripped.  See, cotton burns quick, and no matter how awesome those frayed knee holes are, you don't look like Eddie Vedder when you have to tear them from your body to prevent a stay in the burn ward.  And surprisingly, your teenage crush won't be sympathetic as you dance around in your tighty whiteys trying to stomp out the flames.  I've said too much.

     Honoo would never do you dirty like that though, cause while he may be his own disco inferno, he's always got your back.  This happy resin campfire from Leecifer is available right now in  limited edition of 10 pieces by visiting http://www.leecifer.com.  Add some heat to your toy shelf without the risk of a four alarm disaster.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

"Hallowroot" Edition Mandrake Root from Doktor A x Toy Art Gallery

    The real mandrake root that this toy is based on is shaped like a little person and will supposedly make you trip until that band Phish is listenable.  I don't know why anyone would want to lose control to the point they're enjoying jam bands and I sure as hell wouldn't eat some human shaped yam for dinner, so the mandrake root really has no place in my life.  Plus, they don't sell it at Wal-Mart so I wouldn't even know where to get one.

    Halloween is the best time for toy releases because everything is guaranteed to be in a color scheme I like.  For example, this toy right here from Doktor A and Toy Art Gallery.  He's decked out in a perfect paint application for the season and he even comes with a little friend to do his bidding/grocery shopping.  What does an evil yam buy at the grocery store anyway?  Root shaped people?  Did this just turn into a Twilight Zone episode?  And speaking of the Twilight Zone, how come every time they air one of those marathons I only see the same ones over and over again?  There's a trillion episodes and no matter when I turn it on it's William Shatner freaking out on the plane because there's a diseased monkey on the wing.  Am I in the Twilight Zone while watching the Twilight Zone?  It makes my head hurt just thinking about it.

    You can pick this guy up beginning Friday, October 28th at noon pacific time from www.toyartgallery.com.

Halloween Tumble Tops from Inami Toys

    You could go out the day before Halloween on Devil's Night and release all your suburban aggression by hitting mailboxes with baseball bats or throwing perfectly good toilet paper into people's trees.  Or you could take the civilized route and stay home with your heathen friends, talk about whatever you're currently watching on the old tv (I hope it's Westworld) and play some parlor games that invoke simpler; less Purge-like times.  Enter Tumble Tops.  That was sooooo smooth you might of thought I was Billy Dee Williams. I get that a lot.

    Inami Toys has returned with his resin rock, paper, scissors game pieces that you can use with your friends or by yourself if you're more of a recluse.  They come blind bagged and feature three different designs with special marbled chase pieces mixed in.  Pick a few up when they go on sale today, October 27th at 9pm eastern time from www.inamitoys.com.


Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Monoghost Maroon Marauder from Super7

    At first I thought this dude was a "Moonghost" and I was thinking how that would be the most boring place anywhere to be a ghost.  There hasn't been anyone to haunt for decades and there's absolutely nothing to do but sift through the dust for treasure that isn't there.  The only worse place to haunt would be those steam rooms where gross dudes sit around in towels and complain about their tax incentives or whatever sweaty rich people talk about.  At that point who's haunting who, am I right?

    Ok, so this is actually a "Monoghost" and as you can see his looks make me think he still could be some sort of alien spectre.  You can quiz him about life on the other side yourself when he's made available from Super7 today, Wednesday October 26th, at noon pacific time.  Get him at www.super7store.com.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Becky 23 from The Sucklord

    I don't know how people do the whole on line dating thing because anyone with any form of social media sees just how people manipulate their photos to look completely different.  Whether it's using extreme angles or downright Photoshopping unflattering areas, no one ever looks in person how they do on the internet.  The best is when someone you know in real life friend requests you and you can see their foul witchcraft first hand.  You know your coworker looks like a Kardashian (still yuck) on line but like The Iron Sheik in person.

    The Sucklord is always in the moment with his new releases, and he has captured that trickery with his latest figure, Becky 23.  She thinks she's from the Land of Coachella but in reality she looks like she just crawled from a cave in Land of the Lost.  Her old Sleestak face won't stop her from being uber picky and judgmental about her potential suitors though.  You gotta moisturize that reptile skin, boo boo if you're gonna keep such high standards.  Pick her up now from www.suckadelic.com, but make sure you have plenty of pumpkin spice in case she gets cranky.  That stuff is like a tranquilizer dart for girls like this.  

Friday, October 21, 2016

Breadcat Open Editions from Rato Kim

    I had a dream last night that Sharon and I had moved to New York and had this killer penthouse apartment with an indoor pool and all our cats were there just chillin and being rich.  But my black cat Icarus had made friends with a mouse and then fallen in love with her, only the mouse had a cat head instead of a regular mouse one (the cat head was to scale though so she didn't look like a mutant).  And somehow he and this mouse temptress would leave everyday and have adventures in the city and we'd only learn what he was up to based on his Instagram posts.  We had to sit him down and tell him about our concerns of him leaving the house and eventually the cat-headed mouse moved  in and we were back to being rich and chill with our indoor pool.  I swear there is something weird in that tea we bought from the Asian super market.

    Rato Kim has taken the resin world by storm with her Breadcat creation, and she's meeting the demand by creating a few made to order versions for needy collectors.  Choose from the tasty looking  Peachcat or get a bit outdoorsy with Woodcat and wrestle a bear or something.  Or you can go for the original that started it all with four different faces to choose from.  Add em to your collection by visiting her Etsy shop at this link.  


Lottery Info for Paul Kaiju's Latest Hyper Kraken

    You know what you could do with an hour of your time?  You could be watching Westworld on HBO, which is like if Philip K. Dick had written Deadwood.  It's so good that you could just watch the opening credits and feel like you've just witnessed something magical.  Sharon and I marathoned the first three episodes and are now going through withdrawals waiting for the fourth.  The first episode was so good that the entire show could have ended there and you wouldn't have been upset.  You would have wanted more, but they packed so much story into it that it could have stood alone as a great art film.  Just go watch it and thank me later.  But finish reading this post first because that would be the polite thing to do.

    This toy is rooted more in the aquatic world of Jules Verne than science fiction, but that doesn't make me love it any less.  Paul Kaiju's Hyper Kraken is returning in the incarnation you see above and will be part of a lottery system this Sunday with an extremely limited window.  Beginning October  23rd at 6pm pacific time and lasting for only one hour, you will have the chance to enter via http://paulkaiju.com to be able to purchase this magnificent figure.  Cancel your plans, take your vitamins, and say your prayers and maybe you will be lucky enough to own one of these.  

Thursday, October 20, 2016

A Unique Lottery from Lulubell Toys for Cure's Halloween Boogieman

    I get why people do lotteries for toys:  you have a little bit of product versus a lot of people that want to own it.  So you're leveling the playing field for everyone and you're able to take known flippers and ignore them like the turd bags they are.  They're all pretty much the same though in that you email your information and do a lot of praying that you win.  That's kind of boring.  So Lulubell Toys is gonna spice it up a bit and make you do a little bit of work as well.

    The toy up for grabs is the very seasonal Cure Boogeyman and Gee combo you see above and like I said the way to enter is not typical.  You have to take a photo that spells out the word CURE.   Then you do this:

1. Easiest way: post your photo to IG, hashtag #lulubellcurelottery and @lulubell_toys & @cure_uo ! Done.

2. If you do not have IG, email your photo to amy@lulubelltoys.com, along with your name, shipping address and PayPal email address & we will post your entry to IG for you!

    See, isn't that better than the same old way of doing things?  Unleash your inner Annie Leibovitz and impress the world with your creativity.


Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Halloween Pocket Pork Dumplings from Shawnimals x Squibbles Ink x myplasticheart

     My wife's cast iron stomach is the type of thing they make up folk tales about, but I don't know if she would even eat mummified pork dumplings.  Not that I would rule it out entirely either, because there have been times when we've travelled down roads that were only on forest service maps and not even GPS could find us that she probably would have considered it.  A month ago we were traversing through the Idaho back country (which is pretty much the entire state) and it was hours past our lunch time.  We were trying to see a bear in the wild because I have never seen one outside of a zoo and I have this idea that it would be some magical experience when in all likelihood I would be telling you a story about how the thing ended up carjacking us and we had to hitch a ride back with some sketchy fisherman who wouldn't stop commenting on how purty I was.  We didn't find a bear, but she was kind of lamenting the fact that we didn't try and cook the two dead salmon we saw in the river.  I was even hungry enough that I didn't think it was the worst idea I had ever heard.  

    You won't have to worry about intestinal worms with these aged pork dumplings though because their ability to brighten up your collection far exceeds their nutritional benefits.  These delightful creations from Shawnimals, Squibbles Ink, and myplasticheart are available now in blind boxed form and feature two different styles to obtain.  If you're like me and need them both don't worry, because if you buy two they guarantee you'll get one of each.  And they glow in the dark, which is an added bonus if you are stuck on a lonely dirt road and nightfall approaches.  Pick them up now at this link.  

"Old One" Fiberglass Cthulhu Sculpture from Colin Christian

     Is anyone watching the Presidential debates and just wishing that the idiot moderator would receive urgent news that Cthulhu has finally risen from the depths to put us all out of our misery?  Seriously, I feel like I'm on some bad reality show with this nonsense and if this isn't a pilot for NBC then maybe as humans we have just over stayed our welcome.  So I implore you to vote for the only candidate that makes sense; the one who's agenda is not paid for by big business and who respects all people no matter their race, creed, or credit score because as far as he's concerned we all make the same crunching sound when trampled on:

    That is really the extent of my involvement in politics, so let us move on.  Colin Christian has immortalized our future world leader in this stunning fiberglass sculpture that is ready to (possibly) protect you when the oceans swell and his minions are set upon us.  Hey, it might save you from getting eaten, you never know until you try.    

    There's two different versions with the first featuring a black finish and the second adding some metal flake to spice it up a bit.  These are extremely affordable and available right now by visiting http://sasandcolinchristian.bigcartel.com.  

Monday, October 17, 2016

Demonic Donny Resin Figure from Monsterpants

    And you thought you had some bad jobs in your life.  Could you imagine having the actual devil as your boss?  Good luck trying to update your Facebook status in the bathroom, or stealing office supplies for your at home craft projects.  Dude runs a tighter ship than a dolphin's butt and one that smells equally of digested fish.  Speaking of which (not butts, you freak, bad people to work for) Sharon and I were riding the train home from Comic Con and the dude across from us was watching footage of the employees of his restaurant on a tablet.  He was spying on the cooks, the wait staff, even zooming in on the diners as they ate.  That's the type of stuff you have to do when nobody respects you or realizes you're a licensed gun owner.  There's too much good tv on to be worrying about whether or not someone is trying to sell the cooking wine to the sketchy dude that hangs out back.  

    Monsterpants has amped up his resin productivity and has another new release waiting for you in the form of Demonic Donny.  He's doing the devil's bidding whether he likes it or not and if you were to ask him his job satisfaction is through the roof!  And it's still a better gig than working with children.  

    Add this employee of the month to your collection by visiting this link.  

One-Off Pumpkin Rage Daigomi Lottery from Guumon

    As toy collectors we all want that rare figure to make everyone else jealous that we alone have it.  To have in our possession the one thing that will make people bombard you with emails of cash and trade offers that you just brush away like the pathetic beggars they are, because you are the king, you hold the power to decide their happiness or misery and you will wield it like the sicko you are!!!  Bwahahahahahahahahahaha! 

    Maybe you're a little more mature about it, I dunno, but I'm not here to judge.  All I know is that you need this amazing Pumpkin Rage Daigomi from Guumon in your life.  There's only one of them in the entire world, which makes it as rare as anything can be unless somehow we figure out how to own things that haven't even been thought of yet.  Which if you've got some cash laying around I've got some killer ideas I'd be happy to sell you and in turn I would promise to never make them so you have the exclusive ownership of that thought.  Let the bidding wars begin!!!

    All you need to enter this lottery is stated at the bottom of the picture and you only have until the 20th to get your name in.  Do it and let it set the tone for the rest of your day.


Saturday, October 15, 2016

The Unbox Industries Halloween Emporium Opens Today!!!!!

    Halloween is coming and for most people that means heading out to the store to buy decorations or digging a musty old box out of the attic that you only see once a year in order to bring the spirit of the holiday into your home.  I have no need of either because my entire home looks like Elvira was hired to design Pee Wee's Playhouse.  Every day passes for Halloween where I live, and there's no better way to keep that aesthetic year round than with some new toys to display.  

    Unbox Industries is opening their Halloween Emporium today at 6pm eastern time and will feature some brand new versions of some of the most twisted things they've ever produced.  Take a gander at what will be available and dig up the receipt for that boring junk you already bought to scare the neighbor kids.